Dear brothers and sisters,
A grand Prout Universal Seminar was held in Delhi where following dignitaries participated.
Dr. D S Tewatia, former chief justice, Kolkata High Court, was the Chief Guest.
Prof. S Mukherjee, Head of the Department of Environmental Science, Jawaharlal Nehru University, was the Guest of Honour.
Prof. A K Mohanti, Head of Philosophy Department (a permanent Proutist of Orissa, India) was the main Speaker.
The seminar was a grand success and was very widely covered by the press and media. (Coverage will follow.) Dr. D S Tewatia, said that Prout is the only solution to the suffering humanity. Prof. S Mukherjee opined that while the Scientists are now getting aware of the future shortage of water in the world and Environmentalist getting aware of the risks of Polar Shifting, Shri Shri P R Sarkar (alias Shri Shri Anandamurtiji) said about it long back.
Few photos of the function along with report are sent herewith.
With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka
Encl.: Photos & Report
118/10A, 3rd Floor, Gautam Nagar, Gurukul Road, New Delhi – 110049
Mob. : 9810020931
Date : 18th April 2008
Proutist Universal organized a Symposium on socio- economic thought “Progressive Utilization Theory’’ (PROUT) on 6th April 08 at SHRII AUROBINDO SOCIETY, Near Adhchini Crossing, New Delhi. PROUT is a sustainable socio-economic system Propounded by Shrii Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar.
On this occasion, Shrii D. S. Tewatia Retd. Chief Justice, Calcutta High Court was the Chief Guest while Prof S. Mukherjee, Environmental Science, J.N.U was the guest of Honour. Many eminent speakers delivered lecture on different topics related to PROUT. The program started with Prabhat Samgeet composed and set to tunes by Shrii P R Sarkar. Capt. Dilawar Singh delivered the welcome speech. Shrii D S Tewatia, chief guest of the program during his speech he appreciated PROUT theory propounded by Shrii P R Sarkar. He told that he was a man of versatile genius. Shrii Sarkar has written many books on various subject which includes economic, history, literature, music, spirituality, science and other subjects. Prof A.K. Mohanty, Utkal University, explained the five fundamental principles of PROUT.
He also lauded that PROUT advocates minimum guarantee (Food, Cloth, Medicine, Shelter, Education) to all and also encourages rational distribution to the meritorious people and maximum utilization of all resources i.e. physical, psychic and spiritual and he also spoke on matter, science and consciousness.
After that, eminent Prof. S Mukherjee, Environmental Science, JNU spoke about ecological crisis (water) and climate changes. First he explained the scientific data about the ecological crisis. He told that P R Sarkar’s idea on water crisis and climate changes are very much similar to science. In the eye of science and P R Sarkar’s view for causes of water crisis/drought are as follows : There are three main causes wanton destruction of plants or indiscriminate deforestation, the second is low pressure systems over oceans and big seas, and the third is sudden changes in the angular movement of the sun and other celestial bodies likes comets, nebulae and galaxies. Deforestation is caused by human beings, and it is within their power to solve this problem through their own efforts. Second and third causes are presently beyond human control. Only supreme consciousness control the 2nd and 3rd causes. Other reason is the defects of well irrigation. The negative effects of well irrigation include the following :
1. Neighbouring shallow wells dry up creating the problem of lack of drinking water.
2. Trees, orchards and large plants do not get sufficient subterrancean water so they wither and die. Green countryside a desert after thirty to forty five years of intensive well irrigation.
Solution :
Prof. Mukherjee gave a scientific data along with Proutistic solution. He told that according to P R Sarkar, the best method of irrigation is the conservation of surface water through a system of ponds, canals, dams & reservoirs. For example :- Ra’r’h of Bengal & Orissa. The potentiality of this region has not been developed and utilized. Major person of wealth is subterranearn. Now question is how the surface water potentiality in this region we utilized. The rain fall in this area is very meager. In this area rain only fall part of the year and rest of the year, it is dry. 65% area is rocky and sandy. For that we have to do two things : construct many new small scale ponds, dams and lakes and undertake large scale afforestation on the banks of all water systems.
Afforestation :
The banks of all water system should be covered by dense forest. The science behind this is that the roots of the trees slowly release water. Hence a pond surrounded by trees will never run dry.
A scientific programme of afforestation should include two aspects. The first phase fast growing trees should be planted. In the second phase trees which take longer to grow but also provide dense green cover should be planted. For example : Babul, Bukphul, etc. plants should be planted on the bank of canals, dams, rivers and ponds.
On this occasion Acharya Dhyaneshanand Avadhut spoke on proutistic economy and industrial policy, Mr. Shyam Bang lauded balance economy policy which is given by P R Sarkar. He said according to Sarkar 40% people should engage in agriculture field, 20% agro industry, 20% agrico industry, 10% white collarjob and 10% commerce. Sri Arun Kumar Tripathi spoke on impact of globalization on the Indian economy and he also appreciated proutistic view in this regard. Sri Ganesh Bhatt also spoke on decentralization of economic power and applied side of prout. Capt Dilawar Singh also spoke on reorganization of Indian states.
At last a colorful cultural program based on Prabhat samgeet also organized by the Anandam group.
Comment : All leading media of Delhi highlighted the said program. Doordarshan, National Channel has also covered this program. Most probably 10th April Doordarshan will highlight this program at 6.00 p.m. on DD1 (cable system). Most important thing in this program is that Prof. Mukherjee spoke on climate changes and water crisis and he told that Shrii P R Sarkar has written about the said topics 20 decades before that time even scientists had no concept about this crisis. Noted journalist Arun Kumar Tripathi spoke on globalization but his view was proutistic line. This is first time any journalist spoke according to Prout idea. Lastly, I can say this program was organized by Delhi Margis and initiative was taken by Bakul Ji (Calcutta).
Acharya Divyachetanananda
Public Relation Secretary