Dear brothers and sisters,
Didi Tapodhira (DSL Pune) petitioned to Purulia Court against her prejudiced transfer by imperialistic Ranchi admin. The learned court (the same which is hearing the case for misuse of Rev.PP by the caucus in Ranchi) was convinced that the transfer of the plaintiff was prejudiced, malafied, unwarranted and illegal and therefore a stay order has been granted to her (court order copy enclosed).
This is a landmark judgement with the following additional derivations and side gains:
It is established that the imperialistic and power-capturing attitude of Ranchi admin is not pro-welfare and pro-mission and hence unjustified and illegal.
Any prejudiced transfer/posting effected by Dhruvanandji is challengeable in a court-of-Law.
It is proved that there is a caucus in Ranchi which is manipulating everthing (including PP's authority)
Didi Tapodhira can now legally enforce her re-instatement as Pune DSL and can also claim refund of money in school bank account misappropriated by the usurpers.
With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka
Encl.: Court Order Copy
----- Original Message -----
From: jyotsna a
To: sgoenka@gogoindia.com
Sent: 14 June, 2008 2:23 PM
Subject: Message for all the devotee Margiis of Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha
Transfer and posting order by Fax was alleged to be issued by A'c Dhruvananda Avt as G.s of Ananda Marga Pracarak samgha Datd.27\3\08 under office order no-028\08. against Avadhutika Ananda Tapadhiira A'c who is the principal of Ananda Marga Primary School,Yerwada,D.S.L Pune Maharastra.concerning from 2003.
Presently two persons from two groups Namely A'c Dhruvananada Avt, A'c Vitmohananda Avt claiming to be the G.s of Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha. as such several suits pending before the district judges court,purulia.and the matters sub-judice. the cocus around Dhruvananda Avt are manufacturing and creating documents and with the muscle power capturing the Educational Institution and productive units of the Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha.Ananda Tapadhiira A'c Challenging the order of Transfer and posting Datd.27\03\08 move a suit \ case before the Ld.civil judge Sr.Division,Shrii Nandadulal Kalapahar and has prayered for temporary injunction with ad interim injunction prayer.
The Ld.court after hearing has been pleased to pass the following order on 10\6\08.
hence it is-;
"That the ad interim order of injunction as has been prayed for by the plaintiff be and the same is considered and allowed. Accordingly, the defendant no.1 is here by restrained from giving effect or further effect of transfer and posting order alleged to have been issued vide office order no. 029\08 dated.27\03\2008 and from issue any such further order\orders and restrainining the defendant no.1, his men and agents are further restrained from interfering with the functioning of the plaintiff as the principal of Ananda Marga Primary School(Lady Managed), Pune and Ds(L), pune, Maharastra.
While passing such order Ld.court has been pleased to abserve that, The defendant No.1(that is) A'c Dhruvananda Avt) is not being the G.S of Anand Marga Pracarak Samgha for the term 2007-2008 he cannot issue such kind of Transfer and posting order Ld.No.029\08 datd 27\08 and as such..it is found only illegal and the same is not tenable in the eye of law.
Considering the abservances made in the entire order 10\6\08 the Ld.court has been pleased to form the opinion in following a way -
"Iam of the opinion that the plaintiff has made out a prima facie case for granting an ad interim order of injunction in her favour. The balance of convenience also lies in favour of the plaintiff for granting an ad interim order of injunction. if an as interim order of injunction is not passed from not giving any effect to the office order no.029\08 dated.27\03\08, than the plaintiff shall suffer an irreparable loss and injury which cannot be compensated by way of money value.
Considering the aforesaid circumstances Iam inclined to grant and ad interim order of injunction in favour of the Plaintiff.
Defectors 07 loses the case in Purulia
"Bonafide General Secretary of Ananda Marga Pracaraka Samgha, Acarya Dhruvananda Avadhuta has got all power to make transfers and postings of the any worker of AMPS including WW Department."
Today Hon'ble Court(Purulia) rejected the case (ad interim order) given in favour of An Tapodhiira (ex DSL Pune) a week before in which culprits kept the court in dark and got ad interim order.
Mr. SS Goenka was so happy and circulated the news again and again, it is nice slap on the face of such people who are damaging the structure of beloved Baba on the name of so called unity.
It is well known to all that An Tapodhiira under the guidance of An Giita and others (Defector 07 & 03) filed the case against GS, AMPS Ac Dhruvananda Avt submitting false and fabricated documents which was revealed and questioned by the court.
She and her group has also made false propaganda through circulating various e. mails concerning Pune Issue, fact is unclouded now.
For such 420 act AMPS will file the Criminal case against the culprits.
Note- More news awaited
Sharat, Purulia
AMPS TEAM Reporter
AMPSTEAM is an ever vigilant group of well wishers of AMPS who will do anything possible in their capacity to protect the integrity of Organization. It aims at exposing every anti-organizational elements and show their true faces to the world. This list is also to promote faith and non-compromising strictness regarding Conduct rules, Supreme Command, Iista and Adarsha. All news published through AMPSTEAM is not necessarily a view point of Central Office of A'nanda Ma'rga Praca'raka Sam'gha unless otherwise stated. AMPSTEAM exclusively voices opinion from individuals and group of individuals who strive to maintain integrity of AMPS Structure and not necessarily work under the instructions from Central Office of A'nanda Ma'rga Praca'raka Sam'gha.
Unity of AMPS is not so easy and it will take plenty of time as Kolkata group has placed long list of conditions with 3rd front.
One of the conditions for unity is," Do not create "family Acaraya" and do not involve family margiis in AMPS matters. Family margiis should be restrained from poking their nose in AMPS matters….."
In fact, after physical departure of Baba, Kolkata group suppressed family margii rights to a great extent. They wanted to rule like Hitler, The Dictator". That is why they cunningly deleted critical paragraph written by our beloved Baba about margii rights and it is still deleted from the 'Ananda Marga: A Revolution' discourse. Conspiracy was hatched very carefully and implemented secretly.
How unity is possible when they are putting such nonsense conditions.
However, as Ananda Margiis and as disciples of Baba it is our sacred duty to keep all Baba's discourses as it is-- unchanged, unaltered. In addition to this, Baba has said, "mantra mulam gurur vakyam". Guru's word is mantra for all of us. If we do nothing else in this life we must keep His divine teachings preserved and in proper "Apta Vakya" form for the future humanity. Failing to this we will be blamed and damned by the future society.
Following sentences were deleted from Baba discourse:
Baba says, "Ananda Marga does not discriminate between a family person and a sannyasi (renunciate). The place given to a family person in our Marga is greater than the place given to a sannyasi, based on the reason that the former is not dependent on anyone for his or her maintenance, while the sannyasi has to depend on others. A family person is like a strong tree which is self-supporting, while the sannyasi is like the vine which twines around the tree for its support. A family person therefore deserves more respect than a sannyasi, according to the trend of thought in Ananda Marga. This itself is a revolutionary idea. No philosopher or thinker, whether eastern or western, had ever dared to declare a family person as deserving more respect than a hermit or a sannyasi. It needed the courage of a revolutionary to say so."
Brotherly yours,
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That Didi Ananda laghima who makes statement about prejudice, she had affair with Dada Paramatmananda. They got caught in red hot act. That didi loved that dada and that dada abuse another didi. this is his habit. Thiis how they want to unite margii by example they set. by freedome of man and womon as workers to engage other.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender social movements share related goals of social acceptance of homosexuality, bisexuality and transgenderism.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people have a long history of campaigning for what is generally termed LGBT rights (formerly gay rights or gay and lesbian rights).
The various communities have worked not only together, but also independent of each other in various configurations including gay liberation, lesbian feminism, the queer movement and transgender activism. There is no one organization representing all LGBT people and interests although arguably InterPride comes close by coordinating international pride events.
A commonly stated goal is social equality for LGBT people; some have also focused on building LGBT communities, or worked towards liberation for the broader society from sexual oppression.[1] LGBT movements organized today are made up of a wide range of political activism and cultural activity, such as lobbying and street marches; social groups, support groups and community events; magazines, films and literature; academic research and writing; and even business activity.
Sociologist Mary Bernstein writes: "For the lesbian and gay movement, then, cultural goals include (but are not limited to) challenging dominant constructions of masculinity and femininity, homophobia, and the primacy of the gendered heterosexual nuclear family (heteronormativity). Political goals include changing laws and policies in order to gain new rights, benefits, and protections from harm."[2] Bernstein emphasizes that activists seek both types of goals in both the civil and political spheres.
As with other social movements, there is also conflict within and between LGBT movements, especially about strategies for change and debates over exactly who comprises the constituency that these movements represent. There is debate over to what extent lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgendered people, intersexed people and others share common interests and a need to work together. Leaders of the lesbian and gay movement of the 1970s, 80s and 90s often attempted to hide masculine lesbians, feminine gay men, transgendered people, and bisexuals from the public eye, creating internal divisions within LGBT communities.[3]
LGBT movements have often adopted a kind of identity politics that sees lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and/or transgender people as a fixed class of people; a minority group or groups. Those using this approach aspire to liberal political goals of freedom and equal opportunity, and aim to join the political mainstream on the same level as other groups in society.[4] In arguing that sexual orientation and gender identity are innate and cannot be consciously changed, attempts to change gay, lesbian and bisexual people into heterosexuals ("conversion therapy") are generally opposed by the LGBT community. Such attempts are often based in religious beliefs that perceive gay, lesbian and bisexual activity as morally wrong.
However, others within LGBT movements have criticised identity politics as limited and flawed, elements of the queer movement have argued that the categories of gay and lesbian are restrictive, and attempted to deconstruct those categories, which are seen to "reinforce rather than challenge a cultural system that will always mark the nonheterosexual as inferior."[5]
EC persons always yhave love affairs. Dada Paramatmananda had love affair with laghima didi and now ashesa is fixed on him.
Japan Hit By Magnitude-6.1 Offshore Earthquake, Monitor Says
By Alex Morales
July 21 (Bloomberg) -- Eastern Japan was shaken today by a magnitude-6.1 offshore earthquake, the Japan Meteorological Agency said. The tremor doesn't pose a tsunami threat, it added.
The temblor shook the seabed at a depth of 30 kilometers (19 miles), off the coast of Fukushima prefecture, at 8:42 p.m. local time, the agency said in a statement on its Web site. The U.S. Geological Survey said on its Web site the quake struck about 104 kilometers east of Iwaki and 270 kilometers northeast of Tokyo.
To contact the reporter on this story: Alex Morales in London at amorales2@bloomberg.net.
Location: Kansas City
Date Listed: Jun-19-08
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Jack in the Box Inc., founded in 1951, is a restaurant company that operates and franchises Jack in the Box® restaurants and, through a wholly owned subsidiary, Qdoba Mexican Grill® in a combined 43 states. The company also operates more than 60 proprietary convenience stores called Quick Stuff®, which include a major-branded fuel station and are developed adjacent to a full-size Jack in the Box restaurant.
Jack in the Box is among the nation's leading fast-food hamburger chains, with more than 2,100 quick-serve restaurants in 18 states. As the first major hamburger chain to develop and expand the concept of drive-thru dining, Jack in the Box has always emphasized on-the-go convenience, with approximately 85 percent of the half-billion guests served annually buying food at the drive-thru or for take-out. In addition to drive-thru windows, most restaurants have indoor dining areas and are open 18-24 hours a day.
Jack in the Box pioneered a number of firsts in the quick-serve industry. It was the first major fast-food chain that started as a drive-thru, and it was also the first to introduce menu items that are now staples on most fast-food menu boards, including a breakfast sandwich and portable salad. Today, Jack in the Box offers a broad selection of distinctive, innovative products targeted at the adult fast-food consumer, including hamburgers, specialty sandwiches, salads and real ice cream shakes. Hamburgers represent the core of the menu, including the signature Jumbo Jack®, Sourdough Jack®, Ultimate Cheeseburger, and Jack's newest burger - the 100% Sirloin Burger. And, because value is important to fast-food customers, the company also offers value-priced products on "Jack's Value Menu," including tacos, a chicken sandwich and Breakfast Jack®.
In addition to offering high-quality products, Jack in the Box recognizes that an increasing number of quick-serve customers also want the ability to customize their meals. Whether that means forgoing the bun and sauce in favor of a low-carb burger, or substituting ingredients to create the exact mix of flavors to suit an individual's personal tastes, customers have that flexibility at Jack in the Box. And with our new "Build Your Meal" calculator, visitors to the company's web site can now custom-build their favorite burger or sandwich online and evaluate the nutritional information.
With the assemble-to-order program at Jack in the Box, "we don't make it 'til you order it®." So, regardless of the burger or sandwich ordered, each is served hot and fresh to customers, while some competitors still use warming bins to hold pre-made burgers until they're ordered.
Qdoba Mexican Grill, which was acquired by Jack in the Box Inc. in January 2003, is an emerging leader in fast-casual dining — the fastest growing segment in the restaurant industry — with more than 400 restaurants in 40 states, as well as the District of Columbia. Qdoba is renowned for offering nouveau Mexican cuisine that appeals primarily to adult tastes. Orders are custom-made using blends of Mexican spices and fresh flavors, including freshly grilled chicken and steak. For more on Qdoba, including information on its menu and locations, please visit www.qdoba.com.
Based in San Diego, Jack in the Box Inc. has approximately 42,500 employees.
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