Thursday, May 8, 2008



A lot has already been written about the abovesaid incident. I had refrained from writing, as diametrically contradictory reports were being circulated and I desired to sift the chaff from wheat before outletting my reactions.

On verification of facts – partly from the horse's mouth (rather the mare's mouth), I conclude that it is an undeletable black-spot in the history of AMPS. It is our divine duty to take immediate steps for non-recurrence of such ugly occurrences. We should salute Didi Tapodhiira for her patience, tolerance and forbearance – true to her name (Tapodhiira). At the same time, it is our duty to ensure deserving punishment to the culprits (both on-the-spot culprits as well as behind-the-curtain culprits), lest they are emboldened to take such diabolic sinful steps in future. We should also ensure that Didi is re-posted in her position with all Marga assets (including cash and bank deposits) intact under her control.

If non-support to RN administration (the manipulators) is awarded with such severe punishments and if we 'dharmikas' do not raise our voice against 'papashakti', this will ultimately lead to victory of 'papa' over 'dharma' and will encourage dharmikas to gradually resort to boot-licking of 'papis' and establishment of a rule of enforced sycophancy by dint of terrorism and muscle power. The rule of 'dogma', so rightly and forcefully rooted out by our beloved Baba from AM society, will become the rule and order of the newly emerging AM society. Rev. PP will be converted as the God-incarnate and the big-wigs of RN gang will become the 'pujaris', the 'priests', the 'padaris' and the 'mullas' of AM society. Nobody dare oppose their whims and fancies. Do you want this 'dogma' to be re-established? If not, even your silence, reticence and care-not attitude will tantamount to support for the dogma-oriented manipulative autocracy.

Can you not judge for yourself that wily RN gang had always kept a strong and impregnable shield of a weak boss for their protection against continual commitment of sinful acts – shields like enforcement of Shraddhanandaji's enforced continuation as head (in spite of his sanefully expressed desire to resign on grounds of health and age), enforcement of Ac.Raghunathji, as President, even when he lost his power of judgement due to a parkinson-like disease and similar enforcement of Ac.Dhruvanandaji as GS even spite of his suffering from uncurable cancer (and imposing an impostor-like "acting GS", whenever and wherever needed). Duryodhana used the shield of the blind king (Dhritarashtra) to perpetuate his cruel oppressions. Is history not repeating itself? Yes, it is, but not in totality. Surely, we have amidst us imbecile 'Bhishmapitamahas' who clung to 'throne' in spite of total awareness of Dhuyodhana's 'Mahapapa' (including de-robing of Draupadi); surely, we have amidst us helpless 'pandavas' who are keeping mute and inactive for having lost their right to protest because of a defeat in a royal gamble. Alas! But I wonder which royal gamble have we lost to adopt this attitude of forebearance and inactivity? Do we not have Mahasambhuti Krsna to support us? Do we not have the backing of Dharma to goad us? We have everything except the courage to rise and revolt. We are not worth to be called 'pandavas', we are 'shikhandis', if I am permitted to extend the allegory of Mahabharata.

Let us not care for the 'Duryodhanas' and 'Dushashanas' (R&N), let us ignore the 'Bhishmapitamahas' like Keshavanandas, for whom comfort and convenience is of paramount importance offering their clingling to throne (PP or structure) as an alibi. Let us play the role of 'Abhimanyus' and be prepared for sacrificing our lives while piercing the evil 'chakravyuha' of Kauravas and let us play the role of Arjuna and Bhima, while keeping the 'Yudhishthara' (or Dharmaraj or Dharma') as the base of our mind and conscience. Krishna has re-written the acts of epic Mahabharata in AM. He is waiting to select proper persons to play the roles of 'PAINCA PANDAVAS.' Let us wait and see who deserves this crowning glory, who gets the divine gift of 'Virata Darshana.' His varabhaya' until now was a rehearsal, the real 'varabhaya' will be gifted to the deserving few who are selected for the real drama after the raising of the curtain to expose the 'papis.'

The injury and injustice inflicted on Didi 'Tapodhiira' in Pune should be treated as the last straw on the camel's back and to continue the allegory, be treated as 'de-robing of Draupadi' and should trigger the reccurence of events of Mahabharata. Should it not? If I do not support this theory, I should rather be called 'Shikhandi' and do not deserve to be called a deserving offspring of Baba.

Baba has said it very unequivocally and unambiguously in AVM (Part 23) that "THIS WORLD IS NOT FOR COWARDS, ONLY THE BRAVE CAN ENJOY THE WORLD. IF LOVE FOR 'HIM' IS AWAKENED, THERE IS NO REASON TO FEAR."

Conversely, if I am permitted to say so, that yes, there is a reason to fear, if love for Him is not awakened'. Just decide for yourself to which category do you belong – to category of "fearless lovers" or to category of 'mudslingers and manipulators' (i.e. 'shakunis') like 'Madhuvratanandas or to category of "comfort-and-convenience-seekers like spineless 'Keshavanandas' or to category of shameless bootlickers like 'Abhidevanandas' who shamelessly gloat over Dadhichi-like sacrifice of Abhimanyus like Cidananda.

Decide for yourself the role you want to play in new Mahabharata re-enacted by beloved Baba after 3500 years.

Yours brotherly,
Aggrieved with unbearable pain and anguish
Dedicated to my Lord Krishna for ever
Shyam Goenka


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