[news] Ananda Marga Retreat in Curitiba - Brazil (G.T. Sector)

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From: AMPS News <postmaster@amps-net.org>
Date: Apr 28, 2008 10:36 AM
Subject: [news] Ananda Marga Retreat in Curitiba - Brazil (G.T. Sector)
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Namaskar. A very inspiring retreat was held in Campo Largo, Curitiba (Brazil - GT Sector) on 19, 20 and 21st April, 2008 with more than 51 margiis from all over Brazil. Among the Dadas and Didis, Dada Tapeshvarananda (SS GT Sector), Dada Vishvajinananda, Dada Ragottarananda and Didi Ananda Shucishuddha inspired the Margiis with classes on various subjects and devotional talks. Baba's Videos, Akhanda Kiirtana and Katha Kiirtana were highly appreciated by al the participants. There was also long meditation session in open natural surroundings which was also appreciated by all. Thanks.
in Him,
Ac. Vishvajinananda Avt.
Saopaulo - Brazil
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