Dear brothers and sisters,
Baba’s clear-cut guideline on transfer/postings are cunningly camouflaged and purposely violated. Here is an undisputable recorded evidence.
With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ananda Devapriya
Date: Mar 29, 7:18 pm
Subject: Baba's advice to senior workers
To: krishna.marga
Recently someone sent me an interesting talk of Baba where essentially he is discouraging senior workers to remain attached to holding on high posts, but rather to prepare junior workers to take their place, and to spend old age engaged in more sadhana. Quite a contrast to our actual present organizational situation.
There was an mp3 of Baba talking in the original Bengali so it sounded quite authentic, but I forwarded it to a Dada that could verify the translation just in case, and he confirmed that it was defintely Baba's voice, and checked through the translation. Here is
the version that he sent back to me. Apparently it is not from an official DMC discourse that would have been published in the books, but one of the many informal side remarks that Baba gave to workers before or after the discourse. It is very interesting and quite
relevant to our current organizational dilemnas. It makes me wonder how many other small jewels like this must lie in the procedure orders etc. It confirms my feeling that Baba really has given us all of the solutions - we just need to be able to have access to studying them thoroughly and then a collective process for applying such systems and solutions practically so that we can move out of this crisis phase and grow strong from it. I hope that someday soon the current destructive environment of blame and defensiveness will shift so that there is the openness, sincerity and willingness for all Ananda Margiis and workers (beyond all labels) to collectively do this very necessary work.
In Baba
A. Devapriya
Baba's words:
A'r painca'sh haye gele, a'ba'r jaungale cale ya'be. Giye keval sha'stra
carca', dharma carca', sa'dhan-bhajan.
Painca'sh umar haye vanam vrajet.
Ekhanto a'si vachar haye ya'ba'r pareo mantriitva cha'r'a'te ca'y na'.
[laughter] Bale "A'mi state funeral neba." [laughter] A'ge mantriitva
cha'r'le to a'r ka'ma'n da'ga'no habe na'. [laughter]
To ekhan ei rakamer. Gha't'er mara' tabuo post cha'r'e na'. [laughter,
followed by semi-audible remark]
Tomra' kintu o samasta habe na'. Yei dekhle bayas haye geche, omni
junior-der janya post cher'e debe, sam'ge sam'ge. Kona vya'pa're post
tha'kbe na'. [semi-audible remark, laughter] Sam'ge sam'ge lok taerii
post cher'e da'o.
After reaching fifty, people used to go to the jungle. Once there, they would engage in the study of scripture, the study of dharma, sa'dhana' and bhajanas.
[Then Ba'ba' combines Bengali and Sanskrit so that it sounds like a scriptural aphorism, and perhaps is close to some actual scriptural aphorism:]
Paincash umar haye vanam vrajet.
[After attaining 50 years of age, one should go to the jungle.]
But these days, even after people pass eighty years of age, they do not want to give up their post as a minister. They say, "I want to have a state funeral. If I give up my ministry, the cannon will not be fired [i.e., no state funeral]."
So now things are like this. Even a dead body in the cremation ground does not want to give up its post.
But you all should never do like this. Once you see that you have become aged, then give your post to your juniors, right away. At no cost should the post be locked up forever. [semi-audible remark, laughter*] As soon as you have prepared someone you must give up your post.
Does Sis Devapriya have brain or not? going to jungle is escapism. Baba never wanted it. purodha keep title even if in old age and even if deformity. Sis devapriya is spreading aggeism discrimination
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