[news] Good News from Kingston Region (Jamaica)

----- Original Message -----
From: AMPS News
To: news@amps-net.org
Sent: 30 April, 2008 12:32 PM
Subject: [news] Good News from Kingston Region (Jamaica)
Dear Brothers and Sister,
I would like to send the Good News from Kingston Region once visited by our Beloved Baba.
The Gleaner Company of Jamaica publishes "Jamaica Gleaner", the most leading news paper of the country which interviewed six of our students who maintain grade "A" in all subject areas and published their pictures and stories in their esteemed daily news paper on February 27, 2008. It was a remarkable day for the students. I made a copy of that article from the paper and placed it on the school notice broad. It was viewed by all the students, parents and Guardians with a great delight (copy attached).
On February 29, 2008 the school had an Educational field trip to Cool Running Water Park which is located in one of Jamaica's finniest Parishes, approximately ninety five students, thirteen teachers and staffs were there. The attraction was amazing; there were several sizes of pools along with different playing activities. The park authority also cooked lunch for all.
Each year our school holds Annual Sports Day. This year it was held on 19th of March 2008, it was well organized with the help of our Physical Education teacher, approximately 140 students, 60 to 80 parents, past students, all of our staff and other spectators were there. "Rhoden House" was the winning house this year. The reporters of Jamaica Gleaner also were there to take the photos of various events and published them in the Children's Own section on April 23, 2008 (copy attached).
We teach karate to our students as an Extra Curriculum, seven (7) of our students participated a Japanese Tournament in Kingston on 28th March 2008. Out of seven, six got upgraded to Yellow Belts from white and one got upgraded to orange belt from white. Yellow is the second and orange is the third out of ten Belts ranking.
On the 11th of April 2008 one of Jamaica Service group (this group teaches students to be responsible and to respect Authorities) called 4H Club, they had invited our school to their Grand Fun Day, this event was held at a well know high school in Kingston which is the capital of Jamaica. 58 students along with 5 teachers participated in that program to represent our Kinder Garten School in Kingston.
On the March 29 & 30, 2008 Ananda Marga was invited by Corporate Service Ltd. to their Wellness Day for lecture and demonstration on yoga at one of Jamaica's prestigious hotel which is called Pegasus. Mr. Donavan Grant (Spiritual name "Devatma") went and represented Ananda Marga. Brother Devatma presented a one hour session about Yoga to a group of 30 well educated people. All those who listened him showed great interest in Yoga.
Fraternally yours in Baba,
A'c. Para'vidya'nanda Avt.
Shramana, Kingston (Jamaica)
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