"The Pune Incident"
Dear brothers and sisters,
My circular on "The Pune Incident" dt.03.05.2008 have caused ripples in AM Society – quite naturally. The allegory of 'Mahabharata' was questioned by a few. Others have rightly raised queries regards the details of modus operandi in the field. I owe an explanation and further dwelling on the subject.
First, let me explain my phrase 'raise voice against papashakti'. The phrase is more idiomatic than literal. I do not advocate for politicized slogan raising. Even a mild expression of protest is good enough. The oppressor should realize that you are not taking everything lying low. However, it should be borne in mind that in the process of dissents and protests, no missionary work of Baba should suffer. Any central orders or directives which further and support the cause of the mission should be obeyed or carried out with doubled gusto and enthusiasm. Only the directives which are planned to establish the personal agenda of the autocrats should be ignored or protested as the case may be. For example, unjustified – punitive, prejudiced and politicized transfers/postings should not be allowed to be implemented like the case of Didi Tapodhira in Pune. Any directive aimed at glorifying the personalities of the autocrats should be ignored and/or protested. If they misquote Baba to achieve their personal agenda, they should be checked on the spot.
Any manipulations and interferences in the reserved and protected domain of the family margiis like that of Bhukti Pradhan and Bhukti Committee be protested. You should raise voice against any punitive and politicized interference in BP elections or UBP elections. Any mispropaganda against 'dharmika' workers (WTs and family margiis) should be vociferously protested. Any misinterpretation of caryacarya should be protested like the one to demean the role of CPB.
The sycophants and bootlickers in AM society should be awakened and enlightened by persuasive talks and if unremediable be ignored and discouraged and not be given any importance and recognition.
The 'Abhimanyu-like' sacrifice was also allegorical. When you protest or voice against the autocratic rulers, it is sure that you are going to be persecuted, insulted and harassed. Such a bid for inviting persecution for the cause of 'Dharma' is nothing but sacrifice. One should not give up for fear of persecutions. For example, the writer is lately denied entrance to enter 'sanctum sanctorium' of MG quarters. I protest it but at the same time sacrifice for myself the cited privileges.
I have tried to give a few specific instances. But if there are other specific dilemmatic issues, please do not feel shy to approach.
With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka
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