Thursday, January 31, 2008


Dear brothers and sisters,

In response to the above circular we have received following response from the following.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "RE: GLOBAL MEET OF ALL MARGIIS TO FURTHER THE AGEN...": "The type of Central, Sectorial, and Regional Governance structure that we should have (giving equal opportunities, respect and rights to margis and WTs), in order to enable AM to carry out the above vision and mission; ... the most visionary capable moralistic and benevolent people should be made to serve in the Central and Sectorial governance."This is incorrect approach to AM structure and system. Equal opportunity to whoever likes to serve on Central Committee is incorrect. This will just give popular politics more sway. Visionary morality is vague. AM leadership rests on demonstrated action in the field.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Didi Cetana" <>
To: "SGoenka" <>
Sent: 29 January, 2008 5:28 PM
> Great!> Namaskar,> BNK BNK BNK,> A.A.Cetana' Ac.> > BNK BNK BNK,A.A.Cetana' Ac.>

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Rasatmakananda <>Date: Jan 28, 4:03 pmSubject: GLOBAL MEET TO ACHIVE ONE UNITED AMTo: krishna.marga
On Monday 28 January 2008 07:57:49 SGoenka wrote:

> AMCC headed by Ac.Yatishvarananda Avt., supported by Central Purodha Board> Members, had decided to address to the grievances of one and all without> sacrificing the basic concept of universalism and unity.


I do believe every person or group who are working for the improvements,trying to solve the crisis, there are some genuine efforts. But its notenough. What's lacking is relevant well thought plans, covering all aspectsof the organization both socially and spiritually i.e. people oriented longterm plan.

As I said, it has to be relevant for the need and situation of today - notsome old stuff copied from 80's or 90's or somebody's ideas wanting toexpress his or her personal desires.

The mission statement of AMCC and to address the grievances of all i.e. toventilate the feelings, and its "predicted astrologically that 2008", is notthe right approach.

The family forums in mid 90's didn't work. Statements have no value without along term plan. AM is a rational approach not a "crystal boll" directedmovement.

> We have amidst us four major affiliations and thought processes....

As I said, everyone does some genuine efforts. But if the organizing membersof a group are not able to listen on other members views and ideas, only seeand hear what they want to hear as what the mission statement andthe "address the grievances" meeting are indicating, there is no future insuch effort.

NIA tried, EC had a good start, AMCC does same in beginning, but fail when notknowing what to do in long term.

We see and hear what we want to hear, not what the organization, the Margamembers need. Its so obvious but still we are blind. It only requires agenuine collective effort.


----- Original Message -----
From: D.Ghista
To: 'SGoenka'
Cc: 'Yatishvarananda (new id)' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta'
Sent: 20 January, 2008 12:26 PM

Dear Brother Shyam Sunderji,

Namaskar! Thank you kindly for your response.

I strongly feel that we should not only address the issue of unity, but of the vision and mission of AM. Over the years, we have not been able to have a big impact on societies and communities--locally, regionally and globally, in terms of
creating a congenial socio-economic-agricultural-industrial-healthcare-educational-environmental-political-constitutional-spiritual ambience to promote the all-round welfare and progress of the people, and then inspire them to move on the spiritual path towards their ultimate desideratum.

Seminars and DCs have had limited impact on the masses, over the years. No one, suppressed groups, marginalized and persecuted groups, progressively thinking groups (without direction) are directly approaching us (as an organization) to solve the above mentioned problems. Also, among ourselves, we do not have this vision of how we should develop our organization and place it before the society, so that all people (groups and nations) have a clear idea of what we can offer them.

One of the key aspects of our endeavor is to enlighten the youth and build a new generation of sadvipras, having a pinnacled intellectuality capacity to develop a neo-humanist society (and all that it stands for). For that, we need to develop Neo-Humanist Universities, so that we can have influence on big masses of students, who will take the lead to implement our mission. When we run universities, we can influence our students for many years, and cultivate in them the ideals and mind-set to become the harbingers of a neo-humanist society.

This is why I am very keen to develop Neo-Humanist Universities in as many sectors as possible. All I need is support, and I can do the rest. May I request you to kindly acquaint Yatishvaranandji and Pranavanandji with the academic structure of our NH University that I have sent you. This structure covers all the domains of our living and thinking. I would also like to present this at the meeting.

Looking forward to hearing from you, with my best regards,
Yours brotherly,

PS: Ac. Dhanjoo Ghista of Singapore has sent some important suggestions for the Agenda of the proposed meeting, which I like to give hereinbelow:

1. Unity among margis, WTs, acaryas, AM groups, for one United AM;

2. Our obligations to BABA to serve humanity;

3. Our vision of what AM should be portrayed to the outside world: as the harbinger of an enlightened neo-humanist society, in which everyone has equal opportunity to develop one’s intrinsic potentialities fully, no one is suppressed or revenged, everyone is given a helping hand to move forward, so that we move forward collectively;

4. How AM can provide solutions to many issues confronting societies all over the world: eradication of poverty, cruelty to animals by non-vegetarians, intra-national disputes based on suppression of ethnic groups, inter-national disputes based on dominance of one country over another, religious fanaticism and misguidance, socio-geo-religious sentimentality, human values and judicial codes based on social norms instead of on cardinal principles, abused rights of indigenous peoples of the world, marginalized communities that are left behind (how to enable them to progress by making them into socio-economically sustainable and autonomously governed communities as members of self-reliant socio-economic blocs), global constitution development that will respect human rights in the fullest measure and enable establishment of a neo-humanist global society;

5. What needs to be done (ie, what organizations should we establish, like for example Amnesty International), such as AM Neo-Humanist University, through which appropriate entities/organizations can be established to implement all of the above items;

6. The type of Central, Sectorial, and Regional Governance structure that we should have (giving equal opportunities, respect and rights to margis and WTs), in order to enable AM to carry out the above vision and mission; in this Governance structure no presently administering group should have any claim to for representation; the most visionary capable moralistic and benevolent people should be made to serve in the Central and Sectorial governance.

Monday, January 28, 2008



AMCC of A’nagar, the Unity Team, as already conveyed, is striving its level best to bring about one united AM to facilitate and accelerate Baba’s divine mission, for which the Taraka Brahma donned the human body and endured inhuman government excesses to the extent of rigourous illegal imprisonment and subsequent diabolic poisoning and consequent fasting. He had laid for us a path of service and sacrifice, while the post-mahaprayan path, we adopted, was of self-service and sacrifice of principles.

Fortunately, the different thought-processes and affiliations adopted by us after Mahaprayan are not those of different interpretations of His ideas and ideologies like Hinayana & Mahayana sects after Buddha, like Digambaris and Swetambaris after Tirthankara Mahaveera, like Catholics and Protestants after Jesus Christ. The differences are broadly based on different interpretations on administrative side and are more prone to seek one’s lust for power, post and prestige.

We have amidst us four major affiliations and thought processes viz. (1) of hard-core Ranchi (2) Tiljala (3) EC (Effective Change) (4) Four steps, while there are sub-pockets of crusades against administrative subjugation of family margiis, female margiis, south-Indian margiis and non-Indian margiis.

AMCC headed by Ac.Yatishvarananda Avt., supported by Central Purodha Board Members, had decided to address to the grievances of one and all without sacrificing the basic concept of universalism and unity. It is therefore our duty to ventilate our feelings without reservations and come out with a common solution by interactions in the proposed global meet. The meet will be attended by one and all without any restrictions viz. grihiis and WTs, Dadas and Didis, Indians and non-Indians.

The solutions have to be sought without disturbing the framework of supremacy of Purodha Pramukh and Purodha Board (however a non-manipulatable PP).

It is proposed to meet in India in end April 2008 (exact date & venue not yet decided). More the participation, better the solution. (It is predicted astrologically that 2008 is a year of victory for Dharmika people.) Suggestions for suitable date and venue are solicitated. All those who cannot participate physically can send there views in writing. Also suggestions are required for targets to be achieved and agenda for this historical meeting.

The official targets of the organizers are as follows:

1. Unity of all Ananda Margiis and facilitating a cohesive organization working relentlessly for realization of self and service to humanity.
2. Caring, inspiring and strengthening the community of all Ananda Margiis.
3. Collaborating with all members in working out efficient and integrated leadership practices, standard setting and evaluation of human resources and working procedures of the organization.
4. Working with a minimum of office bearers and dissolve itself to accommodate a united leadership at the earliest.

On behalf of organizing committee
of Global meet for one united AM
S. S. Goenka

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Poem - Dheer Sapthahik - 10.01.2008

Monday, January 21, 2008


----- Original Message -----
From: D.Ghista
To: 'SGoenka'
Cc: 'Yatishvarananda (new id)' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta'
Sent: 20 January, 2008 12:26 PM

Dear Brother Shyam Sunderji,

Namaskar! Thank you kindly for your response.

I strongly feel that we should not only address the issue of unity, but of the vision and mission of AM. Over the years, we have not been able to have a big impact on societies and communities--locally, regionally and globally, in terms of
creating a congenial socio-economic-agricultural-industrial-healthcare-educational-environmental-political-constitutional-spiritual ambience to promote the all-round welfare and progress of the people, and then inspire them to move on the spiritual path towards their ultimate desideratum.

Seminars and DCs have had limited impact on the masses, over the years. No one, suppressed groups, marginalized and persecuted groups, progressively thinking groups (without direction) are directly approaching us (as an organization) to solve the above mentioned problems. Also, among ourselves, we do not have this vision of how we should develop our organization and place it before the society, so that all people (groups and nations) have a clear idea of what we can offer them.

One of the key aspects of our endeavor is to enlighten the youth and build a new generation of sadvipras, having a pinnacled intellectuality capacity to develop a neo-humanist society (and all that it stands for). For that, we need to develop Neo-Humanist Universities, so that we can have influence on big masses of students, who will take the lead to implement our mission. When we run universities, we can influence our students for many years, and cultivate in them the ideals and mind-set to become the harbingers of a neo-humanist society.

This is why I am very keen to develop Neo-Humanist Universities in as many sectors as possible. All I need is support, and I can do the rest. May I request you to kindly acquaint Yatishvaranandji and Pranavanandji with the academic structure of our NH University that I have sent you. This structure covers all the domains of our living and thinking. I would also like to present this at the meeting.

Looking forward to hearing from you, with my best regards,
Yours brotherly,

Ac. Dhanjoo N.Ghista
Res: (65) 67925521

From: SGoenka [] Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 3:18 PMTo: D.GhistaCc: Yatishvarananda (new id); Pranavananda Avadhuta; Pranavananda AvadhutaSubject: Fw: GLOBAL MEET OF ALL MARGIIS TO FURTHER THE AGENDA OF ONE UNITED AM

Shri Dhanjoo Ghista

Dear brother,

Received your email dt.13.01.08. Your suggestions are being referred to the organising committee which please note.

With brotherly regards
S S Goenka

----- Original Message -----
From: D.Ghista
To: 'SGoenka'
Sent: 13 January, 2008 7:58 AM

Dear Brother Shyam Sunderji,

Namaskar! I commend you for this brilliant idea of a Global Meet of all margis.

I would like that we address the following issues:
Unity among margis, WTs, acaryas, AM groups, for one United AM;
Our obligations to BABA to serve humanity;
Our vision of what AM should be portrayed to the outside world: as the harbinger of an enlightened neo-humanist society, in which everyone has equal opportunity to develop one’s intrinsic potentialities fully, no one is suppressed or revenged, everyone is given a helping hand to move forward, so that we move forward collectively;
How AM can provide solutions to many issues confronting societies all over the world: eradication of poverty, cruelty to animals by non-vegetarians, intra-national disputes based on suppression of ethnic groups, inter-national disputes based on dominance of one country over another, religious fanaticism and misguidance, socio-geo-religious sentimentality, human values and judicial codes based on social norms instead of on cardinal principles, abused rights of indigenous peoples of the world, marginalized communities that are left behind (how to enable them to progress by making them into socio-economically sustainable and autonomously governed communities as members of self-reliant socio-economic blocs), global constitution development that will respect human rights in the fullest measure and enable establishment of a neo-humanist global society;
What needs to be done (ie, what organizations should we establish, like for example Amnesty International), such as AM Neo-Humanist University, through which appropriate entities/organizations can be established to implement all of the above items;
The type of Central, Sectorial, and Regional Governance structure that we should have (giving equal opportunities, respect and rights to margis and WTs), in order to enable AM to carry out the above vision and mission; in this Governance structure no presently administering group should have any claim to for representation; the most visionary capable moralistic and benevolent people should be made to serve in the Central and Sectorial governance.

I have kept of AM politics, until I can iron out my very complicated affairs and responsibilities. However, in spite of my circumstances, I have all along had a very clear concept of the global, regional and local vision and mission for AM (as well as of the Governance structure) , and I would not mind serving in an appropriate capacity in the AM Central Advisory/Governance structure.

I wonder if you have had the chance to look at my book: Socio-Economic Democracy and the World Government: Collective Capitalism, Depovertisation, Human Rights, Template for Sustainable Peace. It was published by World Scientific Publishing Co in 2004; they have a branch in Chennai, in case you would like to look at the book. The book covers many of the above mentioned items and issues: such as Sustainable development of Developing countries, Neo Socio-economic-political framework, Neo-Global Political structure, State and Group terrorism, Justice and reparation, People vs Politician sovereignty, United nations to World Government, Civilian Democratic Governance Structure devoid of Political parties, Human Rights and Constitutional guarantees, Neo-Humanist University system, Equitable Globalisation and Sustainable Global Peace. I do not have copies with me, otherwise I would have been glad to send you a copy of the book. I could, if you like, request the Publishers to send you a copy; if you want the book to be used in a course in your Grihi Acarya Training courses, I could ask them to get in touch with you.

I sincerely pray to BABA to enable me to get leave to participate in and make a presentation at this epoch Meeting. I would like to request that the Meeting be held (1) in a central city in India (such as Chennai or Bangalore or Kolkatta), which can be reached by air-flight from outside India, and (2) over a week-end.

It would be better for the meeting to be held as late as possible during the year (such as towards the end of April or in June). Looking forward to hearing from you, with best regards,
Yours brotherly, in HIS service,

Ac. Dhanjoo N.Ghista
Res: (65) 67925521

From: SGoenka [] Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 4:57 PMTo: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@gogoindia.comSubject: Fw: GLOBAL MEET OF ALL MARGIIS TO FURTHER THE AGENDA OF ONE UNITED AM

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Brumley
To: SGoenka
Sent: 11 January, 2008 1:31 AM

Thank you, and thank you for your ongoing efforts toward unity. I feel the margiis here all wish for unity but don't know what to do to support this. We watch the events in India and feel powerless to influence what is going on. I hope that Mangal Biharijii will step foward as a leader and will unite the margiis behind him to take the organization back.HISHanumanCharlie Brumley Ph.D.The Harbor CenterP.O. Box 823 Woodbury, CT 06798www.theharborcenter.com203 233 1360
From: sgoenka@gogoindia.comTo: harborctr@hotmail.comSubject: Re: GLOBAL MEET OF ALL MARGIIS TO FURTHER THE AGENDA OF ONE UNITED AMDate: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 13:45:18 +0530
Dear brother Hanuman,

Re: Global meet of all margiis to further the agenda of one united AM.

Received your reply dated 08.01.2008. I will discuss with the organizers if it is possible to use global technology for wider participation in this global meet.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka
----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Brumley
To: SGoenka
Sent: 08 January, 2008 12:48 AM

NamaskarI believe this is a great step. How about using the global technology to allow Margii's all over the world to participate by video conference, so those who cannot travel to India can be included. There could be a few places in each country where Margii's could gather to be part of the global conference. HISHanumanCharlie Brumley Ph.D.The Harbor CenterP.O. Box 823 Woodbury, CT 06798www.theharborcenter.com203 233 1360
From: sgoenka@gogoindia.comTo: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@gogoindia.comSubject: GLOBAL MEET OF ALL MARGIIS TO FURTHER THE AGENDA OF ONE UNITED AMDate: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 13:11:51 +0530

The AMCC (Central Committee of Global AM at A’nagar) has resolved to call a Global Meet of all margiis all over the world (WT Dadas and Didis, and family margii brothers and sisters of Ranchi, Kolkata or A’nagar – all affiliations – none excluded) somewhere in India during the months of March or April 2008. The main agenda is to

(1) find a solution to present crisis with global participation and
(2) to further the cause of one united AM, comprising of all - Indians and non-Indians, WTs and family margiis – brothers and sisters.

The purpose of this circular is to give prior information and to collect feedback from various interested participants to tell us that which dates in March or April will be more convenient and suitable and in which part of India.

Please revert back with your preferences.

Dedicated to Him,

Yours brotherly,
S S Goenka

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RE: Re: Pranavananda dada

----- Original Message -----
From: Dada Jyotirupananda
To: 'SGoenka'
Sent: 17 January, 2008 5:37 PM
Subject: RE: Re: Pranavananda dada
Respected Brother Goenkaji,

Deepest namaskar. From my view here in Berlin Sector, in England, I see that you are certainly trying to help solve the problems of the organisation. They are of course deep problems at this moment, not small problems. So your desire to help solve the problems is of course much appreciated.

So in principle I also appreciate that you are forwarding various letters from different Margiis and acaryas to your mailing list.

I hope you can do the same with this letter that I am writing.

The point here is that I am concerned that people – such as brother Devesh Kumarji – are promoting one or another person as the ‘right person’ for the job.

Our problems need to be solved by following Carya’carya, NOT by supporting one or another personality. The present problems are far beyond what any of us can solve individually.

As well, if one person is promoted as the best person for the job [whether or not they really are the right person] then later that person may be criticized also. This is only natural. So, then our discussions become similar to party politics: supporting one person, or criticizing someone.

Thus we get into debates about whether someone is good for the job or bad for the job. And Baba never wanted us to be criticizing each other, especially in public. In fact WT rules prohibit criticizing another WT in public.

There is also the danger that a charismatic person emerges as a popular leader, even if he or she is not really qualified.

The solution to our current deep organisational crisis is to follow Carya’carya. This may take some thoughtfulness and indeed some discussion, but the solution will NOT be to promote and then follow one particular person as the proper leader, but rather we must understand how to follow His system.

I hope that we can soon come to the right solution to the crisis.

I remain yours,

In Him,

Ac. Jyotirupananda Avt.

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-----Original Message-----From: SGoenka [] Sent: 16 January 2008 08:38To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"@gogoindia.comSubject: Fw: Re: Pranavananda dada

----- Original Message -----
From: Devesh Kumar
To: MargiiCollective ; anandaMarg
Sent: 14 January, 2008 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Pranavananda dada

Namaskar,We should not discuss any character related matter in public. In fact the accused may commit mistakes in frustration and in depression. My point is that earlier Pranavananda dada was a core member of Baba’s team and executed many great works for Ananda Marga for last more than 40 years. Whether we should forget all these great works done by him? Baba always told us after Varabhay mudra during all DMC, “Let everybody see the bright side of everything……….As per PROUT principals, >from Ananda Sutram (5-14): Vyas't'isamas't'isha'riirama'nasa'dhya'tmikasambha'vana'ya'm' caramo'payogashca. Purport: There should be maximum utilization of the physical, metaphysical and spiritual potentialities of unit and collective bodies of human society.In view of above, we should always encourage the bright side and good qualities of everybody and utilize his potentialities to the maximum extent. Every human being commits mistakes. Baba has made provision for the culprits to redress the behavior. After rectification of bad behavior, one becomes a normal human being. We should not carry the old allegation for long.Pranavananda dada is a man of caliber. He is one of the most capable persons in present situation. He is a courageous WT. He is having leadership qualities as well. However, we will have to remain always vigil. Nobody is 100% perfect except Baba. Anybody can commit mistakes since we are human beings. It is a continuous process and we should be alert enough to protest injustices in future as well.In HimDevesh kumar

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

PAN-United Front (PUF)

Dear brothers and sisters,

The new Ananda Marga Central Committee (AMCC) of Ananda Nagar formed legally and technically under the presidentship of Ac.Yatishvarananda Avt. is called by different nomenclature both by supporters and opposers. In view of the fact that a United AM is their main aim, this front in future may be called as “PAN-United Front” (PUF).

With brotherly regards,

S S Goenka
National Committee of India

Re: Fw: Pranavananda Dada

----- Original Message -----
To: SGoenka
Sent: 13 January, 2008 5:41 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Pranavananda Dada
Pranavanandaji is an ideologically strong and powerful worker. His dedication and performance as a worker is extraordinary. Any open personal slandering against anybody is contradictory to AM culture. Such attitude should be condemned by all section of workers and margiis irrespective of their group affiliation.
Ac. Krtashivananda Avadhuta.

Thank you dadajii,

----- Original Message -----
From: dada shuddha
Sent: 12 January, 2008 2:47 AM
Subject: Thank you dadajii,
Dear dadaji (A'c pratapadityaji,)
Namaskar. How are you? Wish for a successful year by Baba's grace.

Thank you for your reply with explanation. It is necessary to have mutual understanding and co-ordinate co-operation amongst us to run Baba's organization. The experienced margiis contributtion and
co-operation is very urgent in this situation and crisis. Many problems can be solved if there will be experienced, devoted, dedicated and strong moralist margiis in our central structure. Baba has created this situation to teach us a lesson. Before somehow in some cases, the margiis neglected the Acaryas and the Acaryas neglected the margiis. It should not be repeated. Let by Baba's grace people realize this and able to see the bright side of everything and everybody. Let verybody get Shubhabuddhi. Those who are obstacle in this path of change, should be pushed away to the roadside and move ahead.

Re: Re: Pranavananda dada

----- Original Message -----
From: Devesh Kumar
To: MargiiCollective ; anandaMarg
Sent: 14 January, 2008 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Pranavananda dada


We should not discuss any character related matter in public. In fact the accused may commit mistakes in frustration and in depression. My point is that earlier Pranavananda dada was a core member of Baba’s team and executed many great works for Ananda Marga for last more than 40 years. Whether we should forget all these great works done by him?

Baba always told us after Varabhay mudra during all DMC, “Let everybody see the bright side of everything……….

As per PROUT principals, from Ananda Sutram (5-14): Vyas't'isamas't'isha'riirama'nasa'dhya'tmikasambha'vana'ya'm' caramo'payogashca.

Purport: There should be maximum utilization of the physical, metaphysical and spiritual potentialities of unit and collective bodies of human society.

In view of above, we should always encourage the bright side and good qualities of everybody and utilize his potentialities to the maximum extent. Every human being commits mistakes. Baba has made provision for the culprits to redress the behavior. After rectification of bad behavior, one becomes a normal human being. We should not carry the old allegation for long.

Pranavananda dada is a man of caliber. He is one of the most capable persons in present situation. He is a courageous WT. He is having leadership qualities as well.

However, we will have to remain always vigil. Nobody is 100% perfect except Baba. Anybody can commit mistakes since we are human beings. It is a continuous process and we should be alert enough to protest injustices in future as well.

In Him
Devesh kumar


----- Original Message -----
From: adarsh chandrakar
To: prout
Sent: 11 January, 2008 12:40 AM
Subject: [proutist_universal] METHODS TO ACHIEVE SUCCESS IN SADHANA
by Ac. Maheshananda Avt.
Tantra, according to Shrii Shrii Anandamurtiji, is 95% practice and only 5% theory. What this means for spiritual aspirants is that the direct intuitional realization we achieve through our systematic sadhana is more important and more relevant to our lives, than mere learning.
Above all, sadhana is to be experienced. By experimenting with our own sadhana, that is, by practicing the advice that Baba has given us, we can experience the deeper layers of the mind and the bliss that is the "birthright of every human being."
The following techniques have come from Baba's published works and from seminar classes taught by the Central Office workers. Try them and you will enjoy deeper, more blissful sadhana.
1. Before sadhana your body, mouth and stomach should be clean. If you meditate immediately after taking bath, your body will feel completely fresh. Half bath (vyapak shaoca) includes cleaning the mouth with water, for any slight taste will create another distraction. Heavy eating, or eating the wrong foods, may result in constipation or indigestion, which will make you sleepy when you later meditate.
2. Wear clean, loose clothing. Though hard physical service work is good for the body and mind, and physical dirt and sweat need not disturb us, by putting on clean clothing before sadhana you will feel fresher. Tight pants will prevent you from sitting longer. A lungi (sarong) is an excellent type of men's clothing for meditation.
3. Sit on a sadhana blanket. Baba recommends that you keep one blanket that is only used for your personal sadhana. It will insulate you from the ground and should not be used by others so that only your sadhana vibration is maintained on it. Baba recommended a black wool blanket, because wool is a good insulator from the electrical currents in the earth, and black is the absence of colors.
4. Create a "tantra pitha" vibration in your regular sadhana place. A "tantra pitha" is a place where intense spiritual practices have been performed. Do not meditate on your bed if you can help it, as that place will tend to make you sleepy. You should keep one room or at least part of a room where no other activity except sadhana is done. It need not be a large space--one or two square meters in the corner is sufficient. By doing your daily sadhana there, you will gradually create such a conducive vibration that merely sitting there will begin to elevate your mind.
5. Maintain your puja table beautifully. Place a framed pratik and pratikrti (the photo of the Guru) on a small table in front of your sadhana place. It is better if you are not looking down at these, so the table should be at the height of your eye level or a little higher when you sit for sadhana. A clean tablecloth and fresh flowers will help create an inspiring, sentient atmosphere.
6. Sit very straight. Only when your spine is completely straight can it carry the spiritual energy of the kundalinii. By raising your head high and sitting very erect your mind will be completely alert and awake. Relaxing your back somewhat, allowing your spine to curve even a little, will cause your mind to become drowsy and wander.
7. Practice sitting in padmasana (lotus) or siddhasana for a long time. The lotus posture keeps your mind undisturbed and unpolluted by the troubles of the world, just as the lotus flower is ever pure even though it grows in dirty water. This posture is best for withdrawing the mind (first lesson). Women should also practice pranayama (fourth lesson) and dhyana (sixth lesson) in padmasana, while men should sit in siddhasana for these.
Train your body with the determination of an athlete until you can sit motionlessly for one hour or more. Then your concentration will remain undisturbed and you can enter the deeper layers of the mind.
8. Begin with 80 times japa. Baba gave this instruction in 1978 on the first page of the revised edition of Caryacarya II. Before doing first lesson or other lessons, begin by repeating your Ista Mantra exactly eighty times. You can count either mentally or with your fingers, but do not use your first finger (which is commonly used as an expression of the ego). If you practice this in coordination with your breathing, it should take you five or ten minutes. Concentrating only on the sound of the mantra and its meaning will help your mind to naturally forget your usual distracting thoughts, and prepare you for your lessons.
9. Breathe slowly and deeply. Tantrik scriptures state that controlling the breath is the key to controlling the prana (vital energy of the body), and controlling the prana is the key to controlling the mind. Do not hold your breath or strain, but allow your breathing to naturally become slower and deeper. This will immediately give your mind a feeling of much deeper concentration.
10. Do the three "shuddhis" of the first lesson slowly and carefully. Shuddhi in Sanskrit means withdrawal of the mind. In the first lesson, the first mental technique is "bhuta shuddhi" which means to withdraw the mind from the physical world. The second technique is "asana shuddhi", to withdraw the mind from the physical body. The third technique is "citta shuddhi," to withdraw the mind to a point. Do these three processes slowly with deep concentration, to prepare the mind properly for the deeper ideation of the first lesson and other lessons.
11. Get all the lessons as soon as possible. In Caryacarya II (page 4) Baba writes, "Human life is short. It is wise to get all the instructions regarding sadhana as soon as possible." Each of the six main lessons of Sahaj Yoga systematically improves and deepens your sadhana, because they are based on the different limbs of Astaunga Yoga. It is your duty to request and remind your Acarya for instruction in the next higher lesson. If the Dada or Didi replies that you are not yet ready, then ask what you can do to become ready (which usually means becoming more strict in the Sixteen Points). Do not be content with less than all six lessons.
12. Take advantage of the four sandhya times of the day for doing sadhana. These are the best times of the day when the vibration of the earth is most conducive for spiritual practices. The first period is "Brahma Mahurta" from 3:00 AM until 45 minutes after dawn. The second period, especially for LFT's and WT's, is at noon from 11:15 AM until 12:45 PM. The third period is from 45 minutes before sunset until 45 minutes after sunset. The last period is at midnight from 11:15 PM until 12:45 AM. Do not bathe during this midnight period, as there the body secretes certain hormones then. Don't postpone your sadhana, for you will enjoy it more during these best times.
13. Do "pancajanya" every day at 5:00 AM. Baba gave this program for all Margiis and workers in 1982. He named it after the conch shell that Krsna captured in his youth from a pirate, which he blew as his battle cry. Performing this spiritual practice (5 minutes of Prabhat Samgiit, followed by 15 minutes of kiirtan, then sadhana) at exactly 5:00 AM every day requires a lot of self-discipline. Baba said He gave us this program to instill "active habits" in us.
14. Do sadhana late at night. All Margiis should follow the workers rule of doing half bath and at least a few minutes of sadhana before sleeping at night. If you are well established in the repetition of your mantra and you fall asleep repeating it, it is possible for your subconscious mind to continue repeating it during your sleep.
15. Read svadhyaya daily. Read at least one page of Baba's spiritual philosophy books each day. This is a part of our Sixteen Points. Reading it aloud will increase your comprehension. This allows you to "hear" and be guided by the Guru's words each day.
16. Repeat your mantra as much as possible throughout the day and especially during all spare time. Repeating your mantra with your eyes open is called "Ardha Iishvara Pranidhana" which means half meditation; it gives the sadhaka the benefits of mantra repetition without the full benefits of closing and stilling all the sensory and motor organs. It therefore is not a substitute for full meditation, though it does help to establish the mantra in the mind and thus will give you deeper sadhana when you do sit. Remember, no one can waste your time except yourself, because in whatever situation you may find yourself delayed or left waiting, you can always repeat your mantra and thus utilize the time for your spiritual progress.
17. Dance kiirtan daily, singing loudly. Baba gave this advice repeatedly to Margiis and workers. When we dance kiirtan before our sadhana, all our sensory and motor organs become stimulated with the spiritual wave of the "Baba Nam Kevalam" universal mantra. Do it long enough that no other mundane thoughts enter your conscious mind. Baba told the workers that if their minds are very disturbed and they have only one hour for your spiritual practices, it is better to sing kiirtan for fifty minutes and meditate for only ten minutes, because at least for those ten minutes they will enjoy deep meditation.
18. Do long kiirtan sometimes. When you personally do kiirtan for more than one hour, it fills you with a divine intoxication. So organize and participate in Akhanda Kiirtan at least once a month.
19. Gaze at the pratik for long periods. The symbol of the pratik is a yantra, a visual symbolization of your spiritual and social goal. Staring at it silently is called "full maonabrata" and helps to establish the sublime Ideology in the heart and mind.
20. Gaze at Baba's photo for long periods. Whenever the mind feels disturbed in sadhana, take a break and look at the Guru's photo (pratikrti) for a while. This will again bring your mind towards your spiritual goal (Ista).
21. Sing Prabhat Samgiit. These songs of Baba have the characteristic that however clashed your mind may be, singing any of them will bring your mind back to the flow of devotion. Learn some and then try it.
22. Do sadhana in a lonely place sometimes. This recommendation of Baba in Guide to Human Conduct (last page) helps to withdraw the mind. My trainer once advised us that if we go on a physical outing (e.g., a picnic or a sports event) the more people who go, the better. If we go on an intellectual outing ( e.g., a visit to a museum or a discussion group), a small number of participants is better. But if we go on a spiritual outing, it is best to go alone. Go alone on a spiritual retreat in some natural environment for a few hours, a day or longer.
23. Do sadhana in a cemetery sometimes. There are two main reasons why Tantrik sadhakas do this--first, because cemeteries are usually quiet and lonely, so that no sounds will disturb your concentration; second, because we associate such a place with death, which is the greatest fear of everyone. By meditating in a cemetery we face such fear head on. However, Baba has instructed that Margiis should not go at night unless accompanied by an Avadhuta.
24. Attend Dharmacakra every week. This instruction to attend collective meditation is told to each Margii at the time of initiation. Baba writes in Caryacarya I (pp. 22-23) that every Margii in good health must attend (He exempted nursing mothers from this rule). If duties of state or service to a patient prevent you, then go to the Jagrti any time that day and do sadhana; otherwise "he/she should completely skip one main meal before the end of the week."
No matter how advanced you are spiritually, the collective sadhana vibration will benefit you and help you to overcome obstacles that arise in your sadhana. Dharmacakra is also the basic foundation of Ananda Marga and helps us to develop one of our treasures: "an intensely keen unity among yourselves" (p. 43).
25. Have satsaung as much as possible. To be in the company of Acaryas, LFT's and other Margiis, sharing experiences and stories of Baba and news of the organization, helps immensely in keeping your mind more and more in the flow of devotion.
26. Eat a balanced sentient diet. This was one of Shiva's "seven secrets of success." Because our food is biologically and chemically transformed to create every cell of our body, a sentient diet is very important to maintain a sentient mind.
27. Do asanas daily. Practicing yoga postures daily is essential to maintain healthy glands and balanced secretions of hormones. Baba gives special instruction in the fifth lesson of meditation to prevent the pollution of the cakras that takes place when, for any reason, asanas are not performed that day. The gradual flexing of the body that takes place during asanas also helps you to be able to sit motionlessly in sadhana for longer periods.
28. Do long kaoshikii and tandava. Both these dances are physico-psycho-spiritual, meaning that they develop not only the body, but the mind and one's devotional sentiment as well. They give a tremendous feeling of inspiration to the sadhaka.
"While dancing kaoshikii one seeks to establish the link between the microcosm and the Macrocosm. This process is commonly known as mysticism. Kaoshikii pertains to the innermost kosas, the layers of existence. The kaoshikii dance is like the blossoming of the innermost self.
29. Be strict in the Sixteen Points. Baba gave this practical formula to create in every person the necessary strength to eradicate their individual weaknesses. For example, by fasting every week or two we avoid being a slave to food (as most people are) and are able to do without it at any time.
30. Practice silence more. Do you want to hear God? Then you must be quiet and listen. You will hear Him speaking through the words of children and those whom others do not listen to. You will also hear Him in the quiet sounds of nature: the wind, the streams, the bird calls. And you will hear Him most deeply when you are alone in silent meditation.
31. Sleep less. "The ancient people believed that excessive sleep is good for health, but this is not the case. Rather, too much sleep not only impairs the health, but has an adverse effect on the mind. . . . As for myself, I usually do not sleep more than four hours a night for many months at a stretch, and have no difficulty. Those who know special techniques to control the nerve cells or nerve fibers may forego sleep altogether. Those who sleep too much must strive to reduce their sleeping time as far as practical." (Baba in Ananda Vacanamrtam VIII, pp. 28-29).
32. Serve others. "If someone works only for their own spiritual elevation, for their own liberation, are they not selfish? While working for your own liberation, you must also serve others." ( Great Universe, p. 258). Though you may become very physically tired while assisting Ananda Marga service projects, your sadhana afterwards will usually feel fantastic--because you have been doing work that pleases Him.
33. Teach others meditation and the Ideology. Any Margii may teach anyone the universal meditation mantra, "Baba Nam Kevalam." You may also teach anyone Kaoshikii, self-massage and the dead pose. You may also explain our spiritual and social philosophy to all.
Teaching others spirituality is one of the highest forms of service. Do not be disappointed if very few or none of your students become active Margiis. You are planting spiritual seeds that will never be lost and will definitely sprout someday. Doing this basic pracar "is a part and parcel of sadhana, to lead others along the path of righteousness."
34. Attend all retreats and seminars. You will learn more about Ananda Marga at live-in seminars and conferences than you will during months and years of doing individual sadhana. The schedule that Baba taught us to implement at retreats is 24 hours worth of spiritual practices, satsaung and Ideology--as well as the most blissful kiirtans you will ever experience in your life.
35. Develop a strong determination for sadhana. Baba often praised the spiritual determination of Buddha, who achieved enlightenment by taking the vow, "May my body dry up in this very posture and may my skin, bones and flesh be destroyed; but until the intuition, which is difficult to attain in millennia, remains unattained, my body shall not move even an inch from this place."
36. Be a strict moralist. "Spiritual practice in its very inception requires mental equilibrium. This sort of mental harmony may also be termed morality." ( Guide to Human Conduct, page 1)
37. Take your clash to Baba. When you are upset, go to any empty room with Baba's photo and confront Him. Release your anger, or your tears, on Him. Don't leave until He gives you again the peace of mind to continue.
38. Become "mad for the organization." Baba, as the founder and President of the organization, created, from its very inception, all its policies, guidelines, structure, codes of discipline, strategy and training programs. It is His means to accomplish His Mission--to establish a universal world society of justice, righteousness and rationality. By plunging ourselves into noble organizational work, we are constantly reminded of our spiritual mission and we open ourselves to His guidance and correction.
39. Ideate that you are serving Baba and that He is meditating on you. This is the inner spirit of Dhyana, the sixth lesson.
40. Do Guru Puja and Pranam. The physical postures of viirasana (for Guru Puja) and sastaung pranam (for men) or diirga pranam (for women) are the ideal physical expressions of surrender to the Supreme, the most significant spiritual ideal of all.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Brumley
To: SGoenka
Sent: 11 January, 2008 1:31 AM

Thank you, and thank you for your ongoing efforts toward unity. I feel the margiis here all wish for unity but don't know what to do to support this. We watch the events in India and feel powerless to influence what is going on. I hope that Mangal Biharijii will step foward as a leader and will unite the margiis behind him to take the organization back.

Charlie Brumley Ph.D.
The Harbor Center
P.O. Box 823
Woodbury, CT 06798
203 233 1360

Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2008 13:45:18 +0530

Dear brother Hanuman,

Re: Global meet of all margiis to further the agenda of one united AM.

Received your reply dated 08.01.2008. I will discuss with the organizers if it is possible to use global technology for wider participation in this global meet.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Brumley
To: SGoenka
Sent: 08 January, 2008 12:48 AM

I believe this is a great step. How about using the global technology to allow Margii's all over the world to participate by video conference, so those who cannot travel to India can be included. There could be a few places in each country where Margii's could gather to be part of the global conference.

HanumanCharlie Brumley Ph.D.
The Harbor
.O. Box 823 Woodbury, CT 06798
203 233 1360

To: "Undisclosed-Recipient:;"
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 13:11:51 +0530


The AMCC (Central Committee of Global AM at A’nagar) has resolved to call a Global Meet of all margiis all over the world (WT Dadas and Didis, and family margii brothers and sisters of Ranchi, Kolkata or A’nagar – all affiliations – none excluded) somewhere in India during the months of March or April 2008. The main agenda is to

(1) find a solution to present crisis with global participation and
(2) to further the cause of one united AM, comprising of all - Indians and non-Indians, WTs and family margiis – brothers and sisters.

The purpose of this circular is to give prior information and to collect feedback from various interested participants to tell us that which dates in March or April will be more convenient and suitable and in which part of India.

Please revert back with your preferences.

Dedicated to Him,

Yours brotherly,
S S Goenka
Make distant family not so distant with Windows Vista® + Windows Live™. Start now!

Re: Pranavananda Dada

----- Original Message -----
From: Devesh Kumar
To: MargiiCollective ; anandaMarg ; ampsteam
Sent: 11 January, 2008 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Pranavananda Dada


Somebody is targeting Pranavananda dada. I don’t know their allegation is true or false, but what I have realized Pranavananda dada in my life- it is really amazing. Here I want to clarify that I am not the supporter of any AMPS group.

Baba selected Pranavananda dada as office secretary of Ananda Marga in 1969 or before. He remained on this post for approx 16 years. He worked hard and Baba was very happy with him. Wherever he was posted he justified his job. He is a courageous WT. He was never afraid of Police and Communists. He fought with them like a warrior. After Baba’s physical departure, he was removed from his central posting. All groupist WT do not like him. But he never participated in any anti Marga activity. For last few years, he has been staying in Kullu (North India) Ananda marga campus and kept himself isolated and aloof from dirty politics of a few senior WT leaders of various groups.

Pranavananda dada was posted in Ananda Nagar for a few years (before 1995) and I was there in Ananda Nagar at the same time. He was stationed just opposite side area of Railway track in Ananda Nagar i.e. towards East Ananda Nagar. Before his arrival, nobody was having courage to stay in that forest area. There was no road towards his AMPS unit. Railway approval was required to construct the road and cross the Railway track. Railway authority rejected his application. He didn’t get disappointed and he decided to construct road across the Railway track without approval. He dared to write to Railways that he was going to construct the road across the track on certain date. And Dada completed the construction of road even after resistance. Police could not do anything. It was the effort of Pranavananda dada (by the grace of Baba) that the East part of Ananda nagar had flourished.

Since Pranavananda dada is human being hence he might have committed mistakes. As I have always told that only Baba is 100% perfect. We are human beings. We are proceeding from imperfection to perfection. The contribution of Pranavananda dada for Ananda marga mission can not be under estimated. One should not blame anybody due to rumours.

In Him
Devesh kumar

Re: Fw: Ac. Pratapaditya--viplav to save the Mission

----- Original Message -----
From: ravipratap singh
To: SGoenka ;
Cc: ;
Sent: 10 January, 2008 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Ac. Pratapaditya--viplav to save the Mission
Dear Brother Ac Shuddhatmananda Avadhutaji/Didi Anandaramaji , Kindly follow the spirit of my letter. Many matters cannot and should not be discussed through e-mail. I feel A. M. philosophy does not support leadership of one man. It is good that wonderful movement is emerging but the problem is how to bring coordinated cooperation between grihies and W.T. workers. It is in that direction that I have pointed one solution for the consideration of you all. We should not, however, challenge amongst ourselves each other's information, capacity or knowledge. Many of us are capable of making impossible possible by His grace, if we are sincere to Him, and unselfish. Some of us have been given special training for leading the society as well as the organization provided they are heard or given opportunity to serve. Try to think and discuss about the right solution. If Hon. P.P. and G.S. were not at fault they should have either protested against the improper orders passed in their names or should have walked out of their offices. The former President late Ac. Raghunath Prasadji recognized the provincial committees and the present wonderful movement originated. Hon. P.P. and G.S. have never been decisive and it appears that collective leadership could never emerge. Purodhas have been made in many cases on partition basis and the lifetime PP does appear workable. By constitution I mean the constitution registered under the societies act, which confirms the Presidential system. Study the earliest news bulletin in which Shrii Shrii Anandmurtijee relinquished the office in favour of Shri P. R. Sarkar. It is a pointer to the system He liked, one the spiritual head and the other the organizational head, earlier in the same body, later in the two persons. Unity is laudable but it is not possible without sacrificing instincts. May be several small units under one central body, then in that case, would be a workable proposition for the time being. Immediate problem is to carry on the work of the Mission which has been utterly neglected so far. Study the import of lectures 10&14 in Namah Shivaya Shantaya and PRAMA. Excuse me if feelings are hurt. I never meant that. With love and respect to you and all in His service.Truly YoursAc. PratapadityaGorakhpur

On Mon, 07 Jan 2008
SGoenka wrote :
>>----- Original Message ----->
From: Ac Shuddhatmananda Avadhuta>
To: ; ;>Sent: 06 January, 2008 3:40 AM
>Subject: RE: Ac. Pratapaditya--viplav to save the Mission
>>>Dear A'c Pratapadityaji,>Namaskar. Your message for new year is inspiring. But I could not understand the following sentence:
>>"The need now is to reconstruct the organizational structure according to the Constitution keeping the spirit of Caryacarya In short, it should be the presidential system, the President being a non-WT Grihii. This President would be the ideal and not the idol."
>>can you please explain nicely, what do you mean?
>>Before one President was a family person who was working under present PP dadaji. When PP dadaji became inactive, few people took the adventage and utilized that oppertunity and president was utilized to fulfill their wish. According to carya carya, the president post is not an independent post but he facilitates the work of Purodha Pramukh and appointed by also the Purodha pramukh.>>In Constitution there is not mentioned whether the president and the members will be family margiis or Sanyasiis. The central committee members, president and Purodha pramukh can be either Sanyasii or Grhii according to their qualification. But according to carya carya, the Central committee members will be Purodhas only. Constitution is built upon carya carya. So everything is clearly mentioned in Carya carya, not in constitution. If we think present PP dadaji or GS dadaji are puppets in the hands of few selfish people, it is wrong. When PP dada was able to work independently, he was taking mostly discissions with other Purodha board membrs. But he is unable to do that now due to his old age. Others are using his power cunningly. Same is with GS dadaji. This is not the fault of PP or GS dadaji.>> from your letter, I feel again the same thing is going to be repeated, the clash in btween family and sanyasiis. No single person family or sanyasii can run Baba's mission by becoming PP or president, without others support and Baba's grace. Nobody is perfect. So it will be better to find a solution which will be suitable for all and beneficial for the future of Baba's mission.>>With brotherly love and best wishes, in Him>D Shuddhatmananda

Immoral in the higest body of so called 3rd group

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Riik Stuex"
Date: Jan 10, 1:53 pm
Subject: [Margii-Collective) Immoral in the higest body of so called 3rd group
To: krishna.marga


Why the need to mudsling. AMCC have openly declared
a global meeting.It a clear invitation to all acaryas and margiis.
They even gone so far to state that they are ready to relinquish
and dissolve their CC and power
once a common ground is found to pave way for a peace process
that will be all inclusive. No one has nothing to lose by attending
this meeting. This is a good opportunity for all camps to attend and
"expose" any hidden, agenda if there is any, in this move to foster 1
united AM.Or it could be a genuine effort towards unity.
Ranchi, Calcutta, Indian NC, NIA or EC may have fear of losing control
of the temporary power they exercise over their cadres and suppporters.
This is the only reason I see for any of them not to attend or support this
peace and unity efforts by AMCC,third front etc...

Always in His Mind,

Friday, January 11, 2008


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Satya prema" <>
Date: Jan 2, 1:07 pm
To: krishna.marga

I am not specialized in "witch hunting", but I am sure that both "SisterAsitima" and "Brother Jiivendra" are typical "BMPS-HC" (hardcore). Yourmessage is full of falsehood. If those who are accused remain silent, thenthis circulated falsehood may be treated as true, so, I have to let othersknow a few critical points though I will not go into details of yourpropaganda.

1. Ananda Marga Central Committee is NEVER a "third front (EC)". Tiljalaand Ranchi used to propagate "EC" as the foreign agents who have infiltratedinto Ananda Marga and plan to take it over. They mobilized workers andMargiis in India against "EC". Now they are trying to cleverly link "EC"with Ananda Marga Central Committee, arouse and aggravate their fear complexso that people in Ananda Marga resist and go against Ananda Marga CC,According to my observations AMCC is devoted to and dedicated to resolve theorganizational crisis in all possible ways.

2. Ac Artapremananda Avt has been fighting in courts on behalf ofworkers and Margiis who are victims of Ranchi tyrrany and by BABA's Gracehas succeeded largely in his efforts to resist and block their tyrannicalfunctioning. Now you as cronies of some group are spreading misiniformationand falsehood to perpuate your group's domination on Ananda Margis at large.What do you gain by doing these things?

3. About the election at Purulia, court had ordered that "the agents ormen of Purodha Pramukh…. may call the meeting" with the condition that 59Purodhas have to be invited and the Court appended the list of 59 Purodhaswith its aforesaid order. When it became known that Ranchi is trying tomanipulate the elections and is not inviting all the 59 Purodhas, sevensenior Purodhas met and resolved to invite all the 59 Purodhas to gather andelect a Central Committee in pursuance of Court's order. Accordingly atPurulia a meeting was conducted on November 8, 2007 with invitation to allthe 59 purodhas to participate. Purodhas from Ranchi and Kolkata did notreach to attend the meeting and in all 22 purodhas attended and a centralcommittee was elected with 15 members. This action was later endorsed by 4more Purodhas. How is this 3rd front CC? Is it not real AMCC? Ranchi may behis "agent" but all Purodhas are "his men", and any five Purodhas canrequisition the meeting.

It may be noted that Purodhas from Ranchi did not attend the meeting butPurodhas from Kolkata were blocked by their new Purodhas created after thedivision who were afraid to lose their clout.

4. Regarding DMS, on behalf of AMCC, Ac Rupatiitananda Avt and AcDhishuddhananda Avt represented with ONLY ONE GOAL – There should be onlyONE DMS! – Whether Ranchi or Tiljala, or JOINTLY ORGANIZED ONE COLLECTIVEDMS. - Kolkata High Court has accepted AMCC as a party to make arguments inthe court.

5. Thanks for your concern. AMCC has their legal team who are smartenough to decide when and where to poke their nose, put their finger/hand orstep their feet. They have no need whatsoever to consult you. Will youplease mind your own business?

6. Thanks for your lip-sympathy. There are many people who do see mud onother people's face without even knowing that a lot of dust is resting ontheir own face.

In those days, every Acarya, LFT or Margii who "passed-by" Singapore didbring a camera to take videos in India, along with other electronic items. Ifyou're so much fascinated by MSAP, why do you not go and sit at the feet of Sarvatmanandaji, Mantreshanandaji or Pranavatmakanandaji to study itshistory? How did this idea of MSAP originate? Who named it MSAP? How muchwas sent to Central? How much was spent for Ananda Nagar and organizationalprojects? How much was in some persons business or bank accounts? You enjoyattacking others by digging the past? Do you think that will benefit yourfamily or the Family?

Everyone knows that if Kolkata would have got the permission to organizetheir New Year's DMS their ego would have bloated and in case of Ranchi thisego-bloating would have been much more severe. But it appears that none ofthem have any tendency to learn from their mistakes and continue to giveexpressions to their ego. Particularly in case of AMPS (Tiljala and Ranchi)instead of BABA NAMA KEVALAM their universal Mantra has become EC-CK.

False propaganda to attack or put down others will backfire on you.

In Him,Satyaprema

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Some devotional thoughts of a spiritualist

Dear brothers and sisters,

Here are some devotional thoughts of a spiritualist which I prefer to share with you.

1. “Love is the feminine part of you and intellect is the masculine part of you. When both are in harmony, you will become whole and complete and feel spiritual wellness. Both have to support each other. If you know how to think and not know how to feel and vice versa then you will be incomplete. This incompleteness will haunt you in spite of your achievements. You will be in misery whether you are in the world or in a monastery. Spiritual bliss comes only when you are whole.”

2. “Treat your body as a temple. Feel it with respect. Treat every moment with awareness, respect and accept your body as the greatest gift of God.”

3. “When you encounter a negative feeling, imagine you are diminishing its power. If this does not work then bring a happy feeling and superimpose it on the negative feeling and its impact will diminish.”

4. “Chant a mantra and feel the power of God’s blessings wiping away your negative feeling. Do this with faith and power of imagination.”

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jamalpur DMS 15/16 March 2008.

Dear brothers and sisters,

Subject: Global Meet of all Margiis to further the Agenda of one united AM

This is in continuation of my earlier email dt. 07.01.2008 on the above subject. Please note Jamalpur DMS is announced for 15/16 March 2008.

With brotherly regards,

S S Goenka

----- Original Message -----
From: SGoenka
Sent: 07 January, 2008 1:13 PM

The AMCC (Central Committee of Global AM at A’nagar) has resolved to call a Global Meet of all margiis all over the world (WT Dadas and Didis, and family margii brothers and sisters of Ranchi, Kolkata or A’nagar – all affiliations – none excluded) somewhere in India during the months of March or April 2008. The main agenda is to

(1) find a solution to present crisis with global participation and
(2) to further the cause of one united AM, comprising of all - Indians and non-Indians, WTs and family margiis – brothers and sisters.

The purpose of this circular is to give prior information and to collect feedback from various interested participants to tell us that which dates in March or April will be more convenient and suitable and in which part of India.

Please revert back with your preferences.

Dedicated to Him,

Yours brotherly,
S S Goenka

The Passing of a Great Sa'dhaka

The Passing of a Great Sa'dhaka

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Namaskar. It is with deep pain that I inform you about the sad demise of a very great devotee of BABA, Shrii Virendranath Patra. All who knew him would only address him as Patra Da. He was a very senior devotee of Baba. He passed away on 25th December at 2.34 AM in Samastipur, Bihar.

Among four of his children, three of them became wholetimers of Ananda Marga and two of them are still serving His Mission. One of the three had passed away. The youngest daughter who was living with parents also died of cancer. It had also been her deepest dream to become a wholetimer. She wanted only to follow in the footsteps of her brother and sisters. She could not envision any other life for herself.

BABA usually did not accept so many children from one family to become wholetimers for Him, but in the case of this particular family, BABA gave no objection.

Once it so happened that the laokiika son of Patra Da, already an avadhuta, was holding an important post in the organization and was in-charge of organizing the garden tours and deciding who should accompany BABA while walking through His garden. As Patra Da was his own laokiika father, so this dada was hesitating to recommend his name for participating in BABA's garden tour.

When the dada was reading the names of the margiis he had approved, BABA asked the Dada, "I heard that Patra has come. Why have you not included his name amongst those to accompany ME on the garden tour? Go and call him immediately." Baba waited until Patra Da came and then only He began His walk, surrounded by HIS devotees, through HIS glorious garden at Madhu Malainca – Lake Gardens.

After the garden tour was completed, BABA spoke in a most cordial, loving manner to Patra Da and said to him: "Virendra, you might be feeling very sad that I have taken three of your children as wholetimers. Aren't you?"

Then Patra Da very devotionally replied to BABA, "Baba, they all are YOUR children. I was only their temporary caretaker. Now they are with their real Father, so why should I feel sad?"

Later Patra Da received a very rare Microvitum Sadhana from Baba. After initiating him, Baba commented that He initiated a real Mahatma (great soul).

Patra Da was a very simple person with high thoughts. He was very affectionate to all the workers, irrespective of their age or post in the mission. He was the personification of simplicity, devotion and sacrifice to Baba and His cause.

On December 24th 2007, in the afternoon after his lunch, he started to feel pain in his stomach and body. He was fully conscious and told his relatives in Samasthipur that he should go to the hospital. Then he was admitted to the hospital. By midnight that night his condition had become very critical, and he was brought to the ICU. It was there at 2.34 am, while repeating his Istamantra loudly, that he breathed his last.

With deep pain in the heart, we have to accept that we have lost a truly great devotee and a most active Karma Yogii in the form of our beloved Patra Da. He will be remembered by many with great respect, affection and love. Our only refuge, our only solace, is that his noble soul will be accepted by Beloved Baba in His loving shelter.

In Him,
Sudhiira'nanda-- Parama Pita' Ba'ba' Ki - Jay !!!