Dear brothers and sisters,
In response to the above circular we have received following response from the following.
With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "RE: GLOBAL MEET OF ALL MARGIIS TO FURTHER THE AGEN...": "The type of Central, Sectorial, and Regional Governance structure that we should have (giving equal opportunities, respect and rights to margis and WTs), in order to enable AM to carry out the above vision and mission; ... the most visionary capable moralistic and benevolent people should be made to serve in the Central and Sectorial governance."This is incorrect approach to AM structure and system. Equal opportunity to whoever likes to serve on Central Committee is incorrect. This will just give popular politics more sway. Visionary morality is vague. AM leadership rests on demonstrated action in the field.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Didi Cetana" <>
To: "SGoenka" <>
Sent: 29 January, 2008 5:28 PM
> Great!> Namaskar,> BNK BNK BNK,> A.A.Cetana' Ac.> > BNK BNK BNK,A.A.Cetana' Ac.>
---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Rasatmakananda <>Date: Jan 28, 4:03 pmSubject: GLOBAL MEET TO ACHIVE ONE UNITED AMTo: krishna.marga
On Monday 28 January 2008 07:57:49 SGoenka wrote:
> AMCC headed by Ac.Yatishvarananda Avt., supported by Central Purodha Board> Members, had decided to address to the grievances of one and all without> sacrificing the basic concept of universalism and unity.
I do believe every person or group who are working for the improvements,trying to solve the crisis, there are some genuine efforts. But its notenough. What's lacking is relevant well thought plans, covering all aspectsof the organization both socially and spiritually i.e. people oriented longterm plan.
As I said, it has to be relevant for the need and situation of today - notsome old stuff copied from 80's or 90's or somebody's ideas wanting toexpress his or her personal desires.
The mission statement of AMCC and to address the grievances of all i.e. toventilate the feelings, and its "predicted astrologically that 2008", is notthe right approach.
The family forums in mid 90's didn't work. Statements have no value without along term plan. AM is a rational approach not a "crystal boll" directedmovement.
> We have amidst us four major affiliations and thought processes....
As I said, everyone does some genuine efforts. But if the organizing membersof a group are not able to listen on other members views and ideas, only seeand hear what they want to hear as what the mission statement andthe "address the grievances" meeting are indicating, there is no future insuch effort.
NIA tried, EC had a good start, AMCC does same in beginning, but fail when notknowing what to do in long term.
We see and hear what we want to hear, not what the organization, the Margamembers need. Its so obvious but still we are blind. It only requires agenuine collective effort.
----- Original Message -----
From: D.Ghista
To: 'SGoenka'
Cc: 'Yatishvarananda (new id)' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta'
Sent: 20 January, 2008 12:26 PM
Dear Brother Shyam Sunderji,
Namaskar! Thank you kindly for your response.
I strongly feel that we should not only address the issue of unity, but of the vision and mission of AM. Over the years, we have not been able to have a big impact on societies and communities--locally, regionally and globally, in terms of
creating a congenial socio-economic-agricultural-industrial-healthcare-educational-environmental-political-constitutional-spiritual ambience to promote the all-round welfare and progress of the people, and then inspire them to move on the spiritual path towards their ultimate desideratum.
Seminars and DCs have had limited impact on the masses, over the years. No one, suppressed groups, marginalized and persecuted groups, progressively thinking groups (without direction) are directly approaching us (as an organization) to solve the above mentioned problems. Also, among ourselves, we do not have this vision of how we should develop our organization and place it before the society, so that all people (groups and nations) have a clear idea of what we can offer them.
One of the key aspects of our endeavor is to enlighten the youth and build a new generation of sadvipras, having a pinnacled intellectuality capacity to develop a neo-humanist society (and all that it stands for). For that, we need to develop Neo-Humanist Universities, so that we can have influence on big masses of students, who will take the lead to implement our mission. When we run universities, we can influence our students for many years, and cultivate in them the ideals and mind-set to become the harbingers of a neo-humanist society.
This is why I am very keen to develop Neo-Humanist Universities in as many sectors as possible. All I need is support, and I can do the rest. May I request you to kindly acquaint Yatishvaranandji and Pranavanandji with the academic structure of our NH University that I have sent you. This structure covers all the domains of our living and thinking. I would also like to present this at the meeting.
Looking forward to hearing from you, with my best regards,
Yours brotherly,
PS: Ac. Dhanjoo Ghista of Singapore has sent some important suggestions for the Agenda of the proposed meeting, which I like to give hereinbelow:
1. Unity among margis, WTs, acaryas, AM groups, for one United AM;
2. Our obligations to BABA to serve humanity;
3. Our vision of what AM should be portrayed to the outside world: as the harbinger of an enlightened neo-humanist society, in which everyone has equal opportunity to develop one’s intrinsic potentialities fully, no one is suppressed or revenged, everyone is given a helping hand to move forward, so that we move forward collectively;
4. How AM can provide solutions to many issues confronting societies all over the world: eradication of poverty, cruelty to animals by non-vegetarians, intra-national disputes based on suppression of ethnic groups, inter-national disputes based on dominance of one country over another, religious fanaticism and misguidance, socio-geo-religious sentimentality, human values and judicial codes based on social norms instead of on cardinal principles, abused rights of indigenous peoples of the world, marginalized communities that are left behind (how to enable them to progress by making them into socio-economically sustainable and autonomously governed communities as members of self-reliant socio-economic blocs), global constitution development that will respect human rights in the fullest measure and enable establishment of a neo-humanist global society;
5. What needs to be done (ie, what organizations should we establish, like for example Amnesty International), such as AM Neo-Humanist University, through which appropriate entities/organizations can be established to implement all of the above items;
6. The type of Central, Sectorial, and Regional Governance structure that we should have (giving equal opportunities, respect and rights to margis and WTs), in order to enable AM to carry out the above vision and mission; in this Governance structure no presently administering group should have any claim to for representation; the most visionary capable moralistic and benevolent people should be made to serve in the Central and Sectorial governance.
From: dada abhi
Date: Feb 2, 2008 12:50 AM
Subject: Go and save your Orissa.
Hello! dear Priyakrisnanandaji, what are you doing in Madhyapradesh/Chatishgarh; your Orissa motherland is now in deep throat in The Bay of Bengal. Some Marathi and Bengali ex- wts have found a new saviour to upgrade your motherland; you could not; your friend Nityalokeshananda and his team could not; your Oriya speaking so called Samaj and Youth brigade could not; Ramesvarananda could not; Puthi baba could not (to whom you adored as Baba's incarnation); Chakradhar Mahato baba(a Bengali man) could not; but now a new Avatar, known as TRIKAL BABA has emerged and many margiis new and old are now under his spell. This baba is telling all nasty words about Lord Anandamurtijii. Why your Oriya sentiment is not working and active here? You stupid, harami, namak haram- you only know to bark behind Ranchi just like S Goenka and many. You people know to do parallel seminars- is it written in Charya Charya; is it written in your Wt conduct rule book, is it written somewhere only you Harami-men know? You are here in Chatisgarh to disturb, to do parallel seminar, to drag other male/female workers into your group. There are many things you will know and wait. But, now leave our Chatisgarh and go to your mother land Orissa state to save the margiis and Marga from those so called gurus. I know you, nor your party will do this honest job.
You are the man who inspire/ inspired Oriya workers either to go back to home or stay with legal/illegal wife in the organization. You, your party and those barking dogs should help to fight many old cases which are lying in various courts in India; create more wts; create more sadhakas; do more prachar of BABA'S ideology- but you will not do these. If Ranchi is bad, then who bars you people to do good work. Remember: once Baba told in reporting- If someone is bad, why will not you be a best man.
Oh, yea, now about your Lolita Syndrome! Most of your Oriya workers are keeping wives. Devolina your sweet-heart is waiting for you to tie the knot with you. She says (said too) relationship of such kind is valueless.But be aware of Rathindrananda; this fellow may fly with Devolina and you will be gazing to the sky; he is trying to woo her. Ask the margiis of Kerala, they will say every thing. Anjali( an Oriya wt) was raped by Rathindrananda, now R S- Bangalore promising her to marry and to own a house and a job for himself in Goa. Anjali is the sister of Viplutananda's wife. Wonderful ! this gentleman Viplutananda too has a wife and a 7 year old daughter. Some of your Oriya female workers are in search of prospective partners in/out of Marga.Your one canon, Shubhresvarananda has married secretly and now he has a daughter of 9 years of age in Lucknow. Ashesa has already settled herself in Australia with Paramatmananda; only she comes to India to give money to her family in Orissa. Dhishuddhanada is now a days, enjoying mahabhava in the company of Kaosiki and happy and content. Very cleverly he is managing his 'affairs' staying with the parents of Kaosiki.
You are harping the tune of unity; but those, for whom you are active in opposing Ranchi, the Bengali group, did not buzz; Bengali party did not come to your avenue to vote; this party does not want to lose their superior complexity of being Bengali in 'one Ananda Marga'. The Bengalis laugh at you Oriya men; they say- 'these Oriyas are stupids,but obedient; give pat on their back and order them to do this and that.' The result of your 'unity' is your own THIRD PARTY. Now Goenka, Mangal Bihari and some few others are marching forward to create two more Anandamargas- Family-men Anandamarga and wt Anandamarga. His national committee will help him to do this great job.
Can you tell this wold one thing- Who is the owner of the land at Jharsuguda, Orissa- Chitkrisnananda, Anandamarga or father of Kaosiki? You people has set a new trend to register property in someone's name other than Anandamarga; What is the great S Goenka doing? He can not see this but Ranchi.
You have invented a brand new theory- Anandamaga and AMPS are different. Why are you doing such nasty works by misguiding the world and your own Oriya community.
Dada A. Brc.
Jitendra Singh was roobber of AMURT moneys and now Ashesa robs AMPS to send to Orissa.
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