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From: "Satya prema" <satyapr...@gmail.com>
Date: Jan 2, 1:07 pm
To: krishna.marga
I am not specialized in "witch hunting", but I am sure that both "SisterAsitima" and "Brother Jiivendra" are typical "BMPS-HC" (hardcore). Yourmessage is full of falsehood. If those who are accused remain silent, thenthis circulated falsehood may be treated as true, so, I have to let othersknow a few critical points though I will not go into details of yourpropaganda.
1. Ananda Marga Central Committee is NEVER a "third front (EC)". Tiljalaand Ranchi used to propagate "EC" as the foreign agents who have infiltratedinto Ananda Marga and plan to take it over. They mobilized workers andMargiis in India against "EC". Now they are trying to cleverly link "EC"with Ananda Marga Central Committee, arouse and aggravate their fear complexso that people in Ananda Marga resist and go against Ananda Marga CC,According to my observations AMCC is devoted to and dedicated to resolve theorganizational crisis in all possible ways.
2. Ac Artapremananda Avt has been fighting in courts on behalf ofworkers and Margiis who are victims of Ranchi tyrrany and by BABA's Gracehas succeeded largely in his efforts to resist and block their tyrannicalfunctioning. Now you as cronies of some group are spreading misiniformationand falsehood to perpuate your group's domination on Ananda Margis at large.What do you gain by doing these things?
3. About the election at Purulia, court had ordered that "the agents ormen of Purodha Pramukh…. may call the meeting" with the condition that 59Purodhas have to be invited and the Court appended the list of 59 Purodhaswith its aforesaid order. When it became known that Ranchi is trying tomanipulate the elections and is not inviting all the 59 Purodhas, sevensenior Purodhas met and resolved to invite all the 59 Purodhas to gather andelect a Central Committee in pursuance of Court's order. Accordingly atPurulia a meeting was conducted on November 8, 2007 with invitation to allthe 59 purodhas to participate. Purodhas from Ranchi and Kolkata did notreach to attend the meeting and in all 22 purodhas attended and a centralcommittee was elected with 15 members. This action was later endorsed by 4more Purodhas. How is this 3rd front CC? Is it not real AMCC? Ranchi may behis "agent" but all Purodhas are "his men", and any five Purodhas canrequisition the meeting.
It may be noted that Purodhas from Ranchi did not attend the meeting butPurodhas from Kolkata were blocked by their new Purodhas created after thedivision who were afraid to lose their clout.
4. Regarding DMS, on behalf of AMCC, Ac Rupatiitananda Avt and AcDhishuddhananda Avt represented with ONLY ONE GOAL – There should be onlyONE DMS! – Whether Ranchi or Tiljala, or JOINTLY ORGANIZED ONE COLLECTIVEDMS. - Kolkata High Court has accepted AMCC as a party to make arguments inthe court.
5. Thanks for your concern. AMCC has their legal team who are smartenough to decide when and where to poke their nose, put their finger/hand orstep their feet. They have no need whatsoever to consult you. Will youplease mind your own business?
6. Thanks for your lip-sympathy. There are many people who do see mud onother people's face without even knowing that a lot of dust is resting ontheir own face.
In those days, every Acarya, LFT or Margii who "passed-by" Singapore didbring a camera to take videos in India, along with other electronic items. Ifyou're so much fascinated by MSAP, why do you not go and sit at the feet of Sarvatmanandaji, Mantreshanandaji or Pranavatmakanandaji to study itshistory? How did this idea of MSAP originate? Who named it MSAP? How muchwas sent to Central? How much was spent for Ananda Nagar and organizationalprojects? How much was in some persons business or bank accounts? You enjoyattacking others by digging the past? Do you think that will benefit yourfamily or the Family?
Everyone knows that if Kolkata would have got the permission to organizetheir New Year's DMS their ego would have bloated and in case of Ranchi thisego-bloating would have been much more severe. But it appears that none ofthem have any tendency to learn from their mistakes and continue to giveexpressions to their ego. Particularly in case of AMPS (Tiljala and Ranchi)instead of BABA NAMA KEVALAM their universal Mantra has become EC-CK.
False propaganda to attack or put down others will backfire on you.
In Him,Satyaprema
Third Front also applied for the permission to hold DMS, if they got the permission with the ego syndrome? You, Satyaprema want to say that all the people in the 3rd front are just saints? No ego? Come on, behave like a grown up boy.
Satyaprema alias Krsnananda in conjunction with Citkrsnananda thinks he has some special ability to divine the path of the organisation?
But it is just another ploy to turn AMPS into a personal business venture.
4th front - Feb 2004
Ananda Amegha
Ananda Surabhi
Ananda Uttama
Dear Brothers and Sisters, Namaskar.
As you know from the NIA/NITA list that in our last global meeting we resolved to make a 'top level decision making committee' for the NI movement.
To start this off we invited the NI acaryas, who are not openly affiliated with either the H or B group, and who had been a worker since 1976, to join the committee. 5 of them joined - myself, Abhidevananda, Sarvabodhananda, Pranakrsnananda and Ananda Harimaya.
Our first discussion point was a vote on including more members to the committee from amongst NIA who are on the NIA mailing list.
I am pleased to inform you that you have been voted onto this committee along with 7 other NIAs. We will shortly be subscribing you to the mailing list of this committee.
This committee is to be a collective decision-making body on proposals put forward for the NI movement whose overall platform has already been encapsulated in the 4 step plan. The decisions will be based on a 2/3 majority of the members of the body.
The mailing list, which has been named 'nipur' and the role of the nipur body is not to engage in general discussion. General discussion should take place on the other mailing lists.
We are asking those who participate to agree to two basic points. That is:
1. To support the collective decision of our 'nipur' body.
2. To maintain the secrecy of our mailing list or face-to-face discussions.
If you have any questions or comments please reply soon. With your cooperation we wish to proceed with making this committee active forthwith.
Your sister in HIM,
Ananda Gaorii
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