Fwd: The Path breaking events

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From: amps central news
To: Kalyaneshvarananda Avadhuta
Sent: 02 March, 2008 11:28 PM
Subject: The Path breaking events
Sadhana Shivir at Alibaug
Alibaug is a neighboring district of Mumbai and is more easily approachable by sea route. There is a beautiful farmhouse of one Margii brother who built up suitable accommodation there to conduct Sadhana Shivirs. The mountains around, and a small rivulet besides this 3.5 acres of green farm creates the befitting ambience and is well maintained and is also secluded from all the world as except landline no mobile can catch signals.
Cut off from the whole world, Bhutashuddhi is easily achieved. Add to it the vibrating Prabhat Samgiits and Kiirtans in the most devotional and sweet voice of Paresh Biswas, Didi Ananda Krsnaprana, Dada Bhaktimayananda . Alibaug was actually overflowing with devotion. The classes and stories by experienced persons like Pranavanandajii (the senior most worker of AM today with more than 25 years with Baba's close proximity), Ac. Sarveshvarananda Avadhuta, with his immaculate style of presentation, perfected in recent years –(Dada was with Baba in Jail for 7 years and was GS in Baba's times for 17 years) with such a rich storage of Baba stories -- these two dadas were main speakers at the Sadhana Shivir. Ac. Pratapadityajii was also wonderful with his presentation. Didi Ananda Karuna told the audience beautiful Baba stories. Pranavatmakanandajii and Karunanandajii, Nityashuddhanandajii and Sumantranandajii and others also told stories. Ac. Tanmayananda Avadhuta and Ac. Jyotiprakashananda Avadhuta also gave one class each. Attendance was impressive. More than 120 margiis and 27 dadas and didis attended this Sadhana Shivir.
This event has resulted in such an elevating atmosphere that when all WTs sat together in an informal meeting after Sadhana Shivir, every body felt that Unity has to be forged. The sentimental appeal of Didi Ananda Kaoshiki and Ananda Madhura was transparent and sincere. Didi Ananda Karuna, Didi Ananda Krsnaprana and Didi Ananda Ashoka were also very positive in their expressions.
When Ac. Kalyaneshvarananda Avadhuta said that coming to Kolkata on 30th April program to pay their homage to dadas and didi(the list includes one margii brother) who sacrificed their lives in the fight with CPM is overdue. Ac. Pranavananda Avadhuta promised that workers with them will definitely come to 30th April, 08 programs in a big number and they will also bring margiis.
It is true that instant Unity is not so easy as still there is so much distrust and hurt feelings. There are other factors that need to undergo changes. But these Sadhana Shivirs were really path-breaking events in the direction of Unity.
Nepal Margiis uncompromising stand on Unity
The margiis in Nepal have shown a rare fighting spirit in favour of Unity. They had decided that they would call senior dadas from all sides to take classes in their seminar. Accordingly Ac. Vikasananda Avahuta from Kolkata, Ac. Parameshavarananda Avadhuta from those who are fighting against Ranchi and Ac. Rudrananda Avadhuta from Ranchi. When Rudrananda reached Raxol – the border town, he called the organiseres,. Organisers welcomed him and told him that both Dada Vikasananda and Parameshvarananda have been invited and have reached there and he is also welcome for this joint seminar. But hearing these names, Rudrananda declined and returned back to Ranchi and in all likelihood he will not be able to go to Nepal again.
Seminar was very successfully held on 15,16,17 February in Hitauda in spite of turmoil in Nepal in those days. Both Parameshvaranandajii and Vikasanandajii gave beautiful classes and told so many Baba stories. More than 90 margiis attended.
Ac. Kalyaneshvarananda Avadhuta
Public Realtions Secretary,
AMPS Central
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