Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Dear brothers and sisters,

In response to the above circular we have received following response from the following.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka

From: MargiiCollective@yahoogroups.com [mailto:MargiiCollective@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Beth HenspergerSent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 5:23 AMTo: MargiiCollective@yahoogroups.comSubject: Re: [Margii-Collective] WT sisters are worst affected due to crisis in AMPS


I certainly cannot agree more than with this timely email. The didis are like the forgotten
faction of Baba's workers. I have heard that many didis have left organization lately. Kolkata seems to
make it very difficult for ex Ranchi workers to find a place with them, which seems to me very short sighted
in terms of keeping the mission together.

There was an email from SS Goenka last week that announced a unity-type meeting in April. In this email, he
delineated 4 main factions of AM at present....Ranchi, Tiljala, EC and 4sp. I could not believe this lack of
perception, although maybe in India the split is perceived in different proportions than here in NYS.

I see the 4 main factions of AM as Ranchi, Tiljala, RPG (the highest number of WTs) and the WWS. I did not like seeing the didis put in a miscellaneous subgrouping. EC and 4sp (NIAs) should be regarded as subgroups.


---------- Forwarded message ----------From: "ravipratap singh" <rp_sing...@rediffmail.com>Date: Jan 31, 7:34 pmSubject: GLOBAL MEET OF ALL MARGIIS TO FURTHER THE AGENDA OF ONE UNITED AM (Response sheTo: krishna.marga

Dear Goenkaji & all concerned Brothers and sisters,

A global meet of all margiies at whatever place and time you decide to hold is the utmost need at this time though it will need elaborate arrangements. The sooner the better it would be. We can assure you our best possible cooperation and support for this purpose. The last week of April as proposed by you earlier communication sems to be right one. A shared vision, strategy, tactics and concrete action plan must be thought out as well as come out from such meet.
The idea of NH Universities all over the world is a medium and long term proposition for propagation of holistic vision for universal welfare and development which has very good prospects for easy acceptibility and support of all well wishers of humanity.
Ac PratapadityaR. P. SinghGorakhpur

----- Original Message -----
From: D.Ghista
To: 'SGoenka'
Cc: 'Yatishvarananda (new id)' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta' ; 'Pranavananda Avadhuta'
Sent: 03 February, 2008 11:38 PM
Subject: GLOBAL MEET OF MARGIS: Our Vision,Mission, & Charter; NHUs; New Paradigm of Consciousness; Progress to Macro-Cosmic statehood

Dear Brother Shyam Sunderji,

Namaskar! I am continuing from my previous email, and (if you wish) you are welcome to kindly circulate it among your Undisclosed Recipients.

I mentioned that among the many points to constitute our AM charter is Human Rights, which will have a big impact in providing millions of people with opportunities to develop their potentialities and be able to lift their minds to the pursuit of higher ideals.

Now among the many domains of human rights, are healthcare, education, employment, basic needs for living, and spiritual knowledge & practices. We are beholden to humanity to enable them acquire and enjoy these rights, by creating the most progressive sociological-economic-political framework, with a universal outlook and neo-humanistic environment.

This requires a lot of high-level and deep thinking on our part, as to how we can gain the respect of people to represent them, and how they can come to look up to us to re-structure human society along neo-humanistic ideals. In this regard, our establishing Neo-Humanist Universities (NHUs) will help us to acquire this respect from the public. These comprehensive NHUs will have the following Colleges (each of which will have several departments):
Spiritual and Cognitive Sciences,
Education (including Neo-Humanist Education),
Humanities and Social Sciences (including Prout and Neo-Humanist Institutes),
Physical, Chemical and Mathematical Sciences,
Biomedical and Life Sciences,
Engineering Sciences,
Law and Constitution,
Business & Governmental Administration and Sustainable Development,
Holistic Medicine,
Animal & Veterinary Science and Medicine,
Farming and Master Units,
Music, Fine Arts and Performing Arts (including Prabhat Samgeet Institute).

These NHUs and their Research Institutes will deal with the full spectrum of human ideals and thought, endeavor and living, professionalism and governance. They will deal with individual and collective, inter and intra community matters, help to plant the seeds of a neo-humanistic era, and provide a template for sustainable peace.

However, we cannot even stop here. Our task is to lead humanity to the next stage of its evolution, and what is that? We need a new paradigm of the Science of Consciousness, to help us develop higher mental and supra-mental faculties, to have psychic dilation of the mind, culminating in its achieving mental liberation (from its psychic propensities), and merging into Consciousness.

With BABA’s blessings and grace, we need to liberate ourselves from the bondages of our limited physical and mental structures, and thereby have unbarred progress to Macro-Cosmic statehood.

All of this (and much more) should be incorporated into our Charter. Only then we can consider ourselves to be on the Path of Bliss: Ananda Marga.

With my best regards,
Yours brotherly,
In HIS service,

Ac. Dhanjoo N.Ghista
Email: d.ghista@gmail.com
Res: (65) 67925521


At February 7, 2008 at 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Ananda Marga (AM) we have seen various groupist attitudes, by a few making some amount of noise, arise. One group are those who promote what is called the four step plan (4SP). It makes all sorts of wild claims, such as leadership wanting to stay in power at all costs.

However, to assert that there is a leadership in AM that seeks to stay in power at any cost is merely a negative sentimental throw-away line and a form of cheap propaganda. It is a fundamentally false statement because in AM there is an election process at the central level for the Central Committee (CC) and the Central Purodha Board (CPB), and there is an appointment (selection) process for the Central Executive Committee (CEC) whereby the President (usually the Purodha Pramukha) appoints the CEC as per that person’s own choice. Currently, elections are held in a 5 year cycle. After an election, appointments are made to the CEC and there may be revocations and new appointments made subsequently.

A central tenet of 4SP is to promote discriminatory practices. 4SP cherishes discriminatory distinctions based on its notion (a false notion) of so-called ethnicity or groupifications. It should be abundantly clear that its 3 groupifications have nothing to do with any scientific approach to ethnicity. It asserts that there exist Bengali, Non-Bengali Indians and Non-Indians in Ananda Marga culture and the samgha. This is pseudo-science. Of course this has nothing to do with ethnic basis, but is a cheap form of political classification. To say Ananda Marga is based on ‘ethnic’ similarities in 3 such groups is plainly and blatantly false. The cherishment of these distinctions of 4SP while indulging in propaganda about universalism is complete hypocrisy by the proponent(s) of 4SP.

4SP tries to claim its two main goals are unity and universalism. This is slight of hand, as these are common goals of all Ananda Margiis. There is no need for 4SP proponents to try to portray to the margii community that these are the goals of 4SP and its own club of followers. Rather, everyone already knows these are common goals and that no group or groupists can lay claim to them.

Typically you will find in the 4SP propaganda that they will try to give an impression that they represent a broad number of persons. The worst form of indulgence in which they do this is to apply a label called NIM (non-Indian margii) and pretend that there is a movement called NIM that represents every single Ananda Margii outside of India. This is plainly misleading and a deception. And it is this misleading and deceptive style that you will find in the 4SP propaganda. In truth, there is no such movement that can lay claim to representing all those Ananda Margiiis outside India. The use of label NIM is sheer and gross dishonesty. The persons behind this so-called NIM are so miniscule in number, that the dishonesty of the label is abundantly apparent.

What 4SP intends to do is entrench racist and communalist (that is, discriminatory) attitudes in the structure of AM organisations, particularly at the central level. On the one hand it claims the structure of AM is rife with racism and communalism, but on the other hand it wants to entrench it by its formula system. This is called double-standards.

When you look closely at this you can see that 4SP is placing every purodha under blame, because it is all the purodhas who elect from among themselves the members of the Central Committee (CC). Therefore, 4SP vilifies every purodha because it is those purodhas who decide who goes onto the CC. As 4SP claim that the central structure is rife with racism and communalism, we should first analyse how the CC comes into being, and as pointed out by election of all the purodhas. Tracing back, we can see the 4SP implies that all the purodhas deliberately put onto the CC those who promote racism and communalism. We can see how absurd the 4SP theory is now. 4SP propaganda and booming is simply a vilification strategy – that is all. Of course we know that all the purodhas are entitled to decide (by election) this matter of the CC. How can any sensible person think that the electors are all promoting racism and communalism and how can any sensible person fall prey to this vilification strategy that 4SP promotes.

Worse still, in terms of the 4SP propaganda, it effectively says that because the President, usually the Purodha Pramukha (PP), of the Central Committee constitutes the Central Executive Committee (CEC) as per the President’s choice, that the President is responsible for racism and communalism in the structure of this CEC. After all, you see, 4SP asserts that the central structure of AM is rife with racism and communalism, but we know that one part of the structure, the CEC, is appointed by the President and so if 4SP makes its assertion, and also if the appointments rest solely with the President, then the 4SP is clearly targeting, and being completely disrespectful to the President of AMPS and to the Purodha Pramukha. In effect, 4SP asserts that the President is racist, communalist, and so on in making appointment. This is the style of propaganda we get from 4SP. It is a lowly quality and margiis should not tolerate it.

At February 9, 2008 at 6:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reaction to Discrimination language

"There cannot be any complex in the spiritual level or existential sphere. In spirituality there is no complex because every person has contact with Parama Purus'a on a purely personal level. There is no third existence between them. There are only two -- the spiritualist and the Parama Pita' [Cosmic Father]. Spiritualists move towards the Cosmic Father and sit on His lap. To do this is every one's birthright. "

Dogmatists only will create false sentiments, like in below, and so drew a swift condemnation from benevolently minded persons:

Re: [Margii-Collective] Dogma Beware!

Dear Sister Gayattri Namaskar

I have an honest question.

you say
>"i and others have talked about Bengal being chosen by Supreme Entity as the model for the world."

the question is- show me please where in Baba's writing he endorse Bengalis/Indians or any people above others.

to the best of my little knowledge of HIS philosophy -
We are ALL his children.
our relationship to HIM is based on our individual sadhana/conduct/samskara not on any collective"ISM" ( like Bengal-ISM)

and that the base of Neo Humanism is one Human society. where all are one and there is no place for any national/ social/religous/etc- "ISM"

So please sister Gayattri- a quotation from Baba to give a base to your words.


On 11/4/07, Garda Ghista wrote:
namaskar, those of us who know what HE did from 1978 to 1990 would have to consider it a true statement. those who deny or try to deny what HE did from 1978 to 1990 are unable to accept the statement below. gayattrii


Dear all, Namaskar,Gayatrii wrote:>"i and others have talked about Bengal being chosen by Supreme Entity as themodel for the world."

Whatever Baba promoted for Bengal through his songs & teachings, I truly &deeply fear this statement. It is defective and leads to dogma of "chosen ones".This very dogma is destroying us even as we speak. Such sentiments among ourleaders has brought us to our present organizational crisis. ("Indians are morespiritual than everyone else"; "Bengalees are the true inheritors of AM and musthold the reins of power.")And, sorry please, but on this point I must agree with Bro. DD. Simply using theterms "Supreme Entity" and "chosen model" in the same breath undoubtedly isracial superiority complex."Supreme Entity"I find it hard to believe that Parama Purusa, the Lord of the Universe, who hasdomain from unseen atoms to unseen galaxies would single out any part of hiscreation, any one country or people, as "chosen".

"Chosen" = "Racism" is what the world concluded in 1945.Christians, Muslims, Jews, Nazis, and some Americans, to name a just few groups,have used this "chosen" dogma to lead the world into tremendous global sufferingfor centuries."Model"Model of what? Model of social advancement & economics? Of morality andspirituality?Are we then to wait around for Bengalees and the state of Bengal to attain this"model-hood" (either econ'ly or spirit'ly) before we move ahead ourselves? Afterall, "model" implies it'll be there first (not last!) so that the rest of us canfollow suit.Besides, there are some of us who would put a different spin on Baba's emphasisof Bengal. (e.g. that Bengal sorely needs the models given it by the rest ofthe world)

from Developing Proto-Spiritualistic Mentality, Liberation of Intellect"Next comes socio-sentiment, which promotes the interest of one's ownsociety at the expense of other societies. Based on this sentiment aremany other sentiments, such as socio-patriotism, socio-religion,socio-economics, socio-art, -architecture, -literature, and so on."A social group's own deity "says" to the people, "Your God is the trueGod: all other gods are false. You are the chosen people in thisuniverse: all others are cursed!" These are the preachings of socio-religion."

===from Human Society Part1"Almost every religion has claimed that only its followers are God'schosen people and that the rest of humanity is cursed and bound by thechains of Satan. One religion has declared, "Our prophet is the onlysaviour. There is no escape from mundane sufferings except by takingrefuge in him." Another religion has declared, "I am the last prophet.Prayers must be said before God a specific number of times in acertain manner each day. Special animals must be sacrificed onparticular days. These are the wishes of merciful God. Those whofollow these injunctions will attain heaven on the Day of Judgement."Yet another religion says, "Know ye, my son, thy God is the only God.All other gods are false gods." Just imagine, all these religionspreach universal fraternity, and yet this universal fraternity is keptwithin the confines of their own community.* Humanity gasps for breathat such preposterous claims of universal fraternity."

At February 9, 2008 at 5:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Racism cannot be tolerated


We cannot accept this superiority complex on racial lines being promoted by one queen on a list.

Sorry to intervene on this subject, but your statement, "Bengal being chosen by Supreme Entity as the model for the world", cannot be easily digestible.

From: MargiiCollective@yahoogroups.com
On Behalf Of Garda GhistaSent:
8 November 2007 3:56

well, yes, i speak to Him every morning as soon as i get up from sleep.
It is the right for the bengali to avocate to themselves the inheritanceof Baba's legacy. But it is also the right of other to do the same if they are able to do it.

=== i never realized anyone felt like this. i am american born and i did not feel i got slap from BABA giving so much work in Bengal.

Her attitude drew swift reactions:

Show what you believe in meets cardinal universal principles - which is what Baba gave for us all. You should examine carefully what Baba said:

Ethnic origin & groups
- Due to geographical conditions or historical facts.
- All countries need to achieve racial / ethnic parity.
-There needs to be:
–- coordinated cooperation among the different ethnic groups;
–- development of an atmosphere of cordiality and fraternity between them;
–- no bias towards any particular ethnic, linguistic or religious group which would undermine the unity and solidarity of a country.

Racial disparity
- Racism is an evil that divides society so that those who propagate it can establish their own pre-eminence.
- Society must guard against such narrow and dangerous sentiments.
- There must not be any differences based on colour.
- Complexion (eg ‘white’, ‘black’, ‘yellow’) is not an innate difference; it is only an external difference.

Posted by Reaction to Discrimination at 3:01 AM 0 comments

No discrimination please


We can never accept racism. This we cannot accept.

This language no enlightened human being can accept:

On Behalf Of Garda Ghista
Sent: Friday, 2 November 2007
- the fact that HE had something specific in mind regarding the future of Bengal as the role model for the world, not just economically but also culturally - as the first nuclear revolution we can say, this information is for the devotees and IMO not for the general public. therefore this information would not be on a public website.

Statement was immediately condemned as contrary to universalist philosophy.

From: MargiiCollective@yahoogroups.com
6 November 2007
Dogma Beware!
Namaskar Didis,

Please refrain yourself at least in public by your inference that a particular group is only the chosen one when you expect support from other groups also. It's not even a smart move to do so as you are breaking the AM in groups rather than calling it as a single organization. I believe if we can understand the human psychology and communicate in the same fashion in the public then all the problems can be easily solved. BABA has also mentioned that we should very well understand the human psychology.

Monday, 5 November 2007
Subject: Re: [Margii-Collective] Dogma Beware!

Namaskar All
I don't understand how some people are stretching narrow sentiments,undermining the Universal character of Baba's Mission to justify their own, short sided sentiments.

Posted by Reaction to Discrimination at 2:19 AM 0 comments

Friday, February 8, 2008
Reaction to Discrimination language

"There cannot be any complex in the spiritual level or existential sphere. In spirituality there is no complex because every person has contact with Parama Purus'a on a purely personal level. There is no third existence between them. There are only two -- the spiritualist and the Parama Pita' [Cosmic Father]. Spiritualists move towards the Cosmic Father and sit on His lap. To do this is every one's birthright. "

Dogmatists only will create false sentiments, like in below, and so drew a swift condemnation from benevolently minded persons:

Re: [Margii-Collective] Dogma Beware!

Dear Sister Gayattri Namaskar

I have an honest question.

you say
>"i and others have talked about Bengal being chosen by Supreme Entity as the model for the world."

the question is- show me please where in Baba's writing he endorse Bengalis/Indians or any people above others.

to the best of my little knowledge of HIS philosophy -
We are ALL his children.
our relationship to HIM is based on our individual sadhana/conduct/samskara not on any collective"ISM" ( like Bengal-ISM)

and that the base of Neo Humanism is one Human society. where all are one and there is no place for any national/ social/religous/etc- "ISM"

So please sister Gayattri- a quotation from Baba to give a base to your words.


On 11/4/07, Garda Ghista wrote:
namaskar, those of us who know what HE did from 1978 to 1990 would have to consider it a true statement. those who deny or try to deny what HE did from 1978 to 1990 are unable to accept the statement below. gayattrii


Dear all, Namaskar,Gayatrii wrote:>"i and others have talked about Bengal being chosen by Supreme Entity as themodel for the world."

Whatever Baba promoted for Bengal through his songs & teachings, I truly &deeply fear this statement. It is defective and leads to dogma of "chosen ones".This very dogma is destroying us even as we speak. Such sentiments among ourleaders has brought us to our present organizational crisis. ("Indians are morespiritual than everyone else"; "Bengalees are the true inheritors of AM and musthold the reins of power.")And, sorry please, but on this point I must agree with Bro. DD. Simply using theterms "Supreme Entity" and "chosen model" in the same breath undoubtedly isracial superiority complex."Supreme Entity"I find it hard to believe that Parama Purusa, the Lord of the Universe, who hasdomain from unseen atoms to unseen galaxies would single out any part of hiscreation, any one country or people, as "chosen".

"Chosen" = "Racism" is what the world concluded in 1945.Christians, Muslims, Jews, Nazis, and some Americans, to name a just few groups,have used this "chosen" dogma to lead the world into tremendous global sufferingfor centuries."Model"Model of what? Model of social advancement & economics? Of morality andspirituality?Are we then to wait around for Bengalees and the state of Bengal to attain this"model-hood" (either econ'ly or spirit'ly) before we move ahead ourselves? Afterall, "model" implies it'll be there first (not last!) so that the rest of us canfollow suit.Besides, there are some of us who would put a different spin on Baba's emphasisof Bengal. (e.g. that Bengal sorely needs the models given it by the rest ofthe world)

from Developing Proto-Spiritualistic Mentality, Liberation of Intellect"Next comes socio-sentiment, which promotes the interest of one's ownsociety at the expense of other societies. Based on this sentiment aremany other sentiments, such as socio-patriotism, socio-religion,socio-economics, socio-art, -architecture, -literature, and so on."A social group's own deity "says" to the people, "Your God is the trueGod: all other gods are false. You are the chosen people in thisuniverse: all others are cursed!" These are the preachings of socio-religion."

===from Human Society Part1"Almost every religion has claimed that only its followers are God'schosen people and that the rest of humanity is cursed and bound by thechains of Satan. One religion has declared, "Our prophet is the onlysaviour. There is no escape from mundane sufferings except by takingrefuge in him." Another religion has declared, "I am the last prophet.Prayers must be said before God a specific number of times in acertain manner each day. Special animals must be sacrificed onparticular days. These are the wishes of merciful God. Those whofollow these injunctions will attain heaven on the Day of Judgement."Yet another religion says, "Know ye, my son, thy God is the only God.All other gods are false gods." Just imagine, all these religionspreach universal fraternity, and yet this universal fraternity is keptwithin the confines of their own community.* Humanity gasps for breathat such preposterous claims of universal fraternity."


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