BABA IS TALKING ABOUT ANANDA MARGA: THE PARAGRAPH FROM THE AM REVOLUTION DISCOURSE IS ABOUT OUR SANNYASISNamaskar,Here is the logical and rational reply to those few Dadas who falsely claimthat in the AM Revolution discourse when Baba uses the term "sannyasis"then He is referring to those wandering Indian sadhus-- since this AMRevolution discourse (1957) was given 5 years before the introduction ofthe AM sannyasis order. It has become the fashion of the day for some Dadasto give this tricky logic in order to discredit that passage about margiirights, but here is the clear-cut reply to their tainted claim.We know that Baba is the Taraka Brahma who is all-knowing-- having perfectknowledge of past, present, and future. So Baba's idea of introducingrenunciates and wholetimers into the AMPS structure in 1962 did not come'out of blue' or 'out of thin air'. Rather it was an inherent part ofBaba's long-term plan and strategy from the very beginning.As we know, and in many places and in different books it has been writtenthat Baba planned and made the program for all the projects of AM when Hewas in His early childhood, i.e. when He was still a small boy.Indeed the Holy Advent of Parama Purusa is not just a coincidence. He comeson this earth with a definite mission, plan, and program. That is why Histeaching and ideas are always clear, consistent, and conclusive. His isunlike the human thought pattern which is always changing. If anybody doesnot like to believe or understand this fact then they will do more harmthan good to AM society. Especially in the understanding and preaching ofBaba's ideology.So those who are telling that in the Tattvika Praveshika book, the term"sannyasis" has been used to refer to those Indian monks who are begging inthe street, such persons lack the devotional feeling to understand that atthat point in 1957 Baba already had mapped out & planned His entire AMmission. Such persons do not understand that in 1957 Baba knew that in 1962He would create the WT order. This was all part of His pre-planned approach.But they think that the "sannayasis" term put forth in 1957 must refer toIndian sadhus because Baba had no idea that in a few years He Himself wouldstart His own sannyasis order in AM. Such persons making their concoctedclaim do not have faith and regard for Baba's teaching and they also do notbelieve in their heart that Baba is Parama Purusa and HIS teaching iseternal.Think of it this way. Baba gives many things for the near and distantfuture which may not be understood today. But those teachings will bewell-utilized & understood tomorrow. In that case then Baba is giving thefuture plan.For example in so many places Baba has told that 'the crimson dawn isknocking at your door'. And suppose He told this very thing in 1970 when somany problems were happening and now 37 yrs passed. So those who arefoolish people may claim that Baba was wrong that time. But intelligentpeople know that Baba's teachings have eternal meaning, and that in Hismind's eye He knows full well what is going to transpire. Thus all Histeachings have relevance to and incorporate future events.Here is further explanation. Those who have just a little knowledge or lacka deeper understanding might claim that Baba first started talking aboutProut in 1959 when the theory was first named in Idea and Ideology etc. Butwhen rational people think in the proper way then they can see that sincethe very beginning Baba started talking about Prout. No doubt Prout wasofficially introduced in 1959. But that does not mean that from 1955-59Baba kept silent on socio-economic problems. And then out of nowhere oneday in 1959 Baba started talking about Prout. It is not like that.Because just see, the discourse 'The Evolution of Society' was given byBaba in 1955 and was first published in Subhasita Samgraha part I. But nowall are aware that this very same discourse is part of His Proutdiscourses, published in the book PNS-1. Then who can claim this is not aProut discourse because it was given prior to 1959 when Prout was formallyintroduced.Now let us look at another example. One very old book is 'A Guide to HumanConduct'. These discourses were first given in the very beginning of AM,around 1957. Yet the chapters about 'Satya' & 'Ahimsa' from that book alsogot included in the Prout Nutshell series-- PNS part 11. So once again canwe say that Baba had know plan about Prout prior to 1959. Sure He did. Heknows everything. It is all within His divine planning.The main point is that here we should also not forget that Baba does notdeliver His discourses with any type of common human intellect etc. HeHimself is knowledge Personified; He is that Cosmic Mind and all knowledgehas its abode in Him. That is why it is said that His teaching arepermanent eternal truth-- Apta Vakya, unchangeable, non-decaying.Baba says, "A'pta va'kya comes directly from the Supreme...that [a'ptava'kya] knowledge is true and beneficial for all people in all ages and inall countries. ...The books in A'nanda Ma'rga philosophy are all A'ptava'kya." (APH-4)So when Baba's teaching is eternal and when in 1957 Baba talked aboutsannyasis and monks in His 'Ananda Marga: A Revolution' discourse, thatgives the idea and foreshadows His future plan and program to create asystem of sannyasis within AM. This is how rational Ananda Margiis view thematter.Thus there is no question then that in 1957 Baba used the term "sannyasis"for Indian beggar type of monks or wandering sadhus etc. This type of logichas no base and goes against the divine system of Parama Purusa.When Baba put forth the term "sannyasis" in 1957, He was clearly talkingabout the sannyasis order which He Himself already had the plan to create.And that He did in 1962. The teaching foreshadows the coming event. This isthe working style of Parama Purusa and those who are not swayed by theirown agenda and those with the requisite devotion easily understand thistruth. TWO KEY POINTSTo continue with the essence of the discussion at hand, we can say thatthere are two key points surrounding the AM: A Revolution discourse. (1) In this discourse & in the paragraph about margiis rights Baba isreferring to our AM way of life-- not any other. (2) Baba's original paragraph about margii rights should remain intact & in its entirety.Both of these above points are deeply related with the health andwell-being of our Marga. So in step-wise fashion we will go through both ofthese points.In reality the whole situation is quite straight-forward, but in theircrazed-delirium a few Dadas are trying to tear down Baba's scripture byobjecting to both of the above points. And to achieve their desired goal,such Dadas are throwing sand in the eyes of margiis-- both on the email andin their face to face interactions. POINT #1: BABA'S DISCOURSE IS ABOUT OUR AM SOCIETYIn His historic 'Ananda Marga: A Revolution' discourse, Baba is outlininglife in Ananda Marga. This is evidenced by the title itself and as well asinnumerable references throughout the discourse. Thus in this discourse Heis not laying down the tenets of Hindu society or Christian society ortraditional Indian society or any other society. He is talking about our AMsociety. And that is marked by the title of the discourse itself: "AnandaMarga: A Revolution".It follows therefore that in the above noted paragraph about margii rightswhen Baba mentions the term "family people" He is referring to familymargiis and when He uses the term "sannyasis" He is talking about our Dadasand Didis. That is to say, that paragraph is about our AM society. Indeedwho can claim otherwise.Because in that paragraph itself Baba Himself uses the name "Ananda Marga"or "Our Marga" three times-- in that paragraph alone. Plus that paragraphabout margii rights is part and parcel of the greater discourse titled,"Ananda Marga: Revolution". So by all this it is quite obvious that Baba istalking about our AM society.Because we all know that Baba's teachings are clear and pointed-- what Hesays He means.Baba says, "I keep no ambiguity, I am clear, concrete, conclusive. Myphilosophy is a complete philosophy, a complete way of life. I am completein myself...I am like an arrow-- clear, pointed." (Supreme Expression)Thus when Baba Himself says "Ananda Marga", He means Ananda Marga and notany other marga and not any other path. He is talking about our very ownAnanda Marga-- the one which He Himself has given.Without an iota of doubt, it is 100% certain that in His below statementfrom the famous paragraph about margiis rights in His AM Revolutiondiscourse, Baba is talking about our very own AM society-- not any othersociety. "A family person therefore deserves more respect than a sannyasi, according to the trend of thought in Ananda Marga." (PNS-11)So when the above clearly refers to our AM society then obviously thephrase "family persons" refers to 'family margiis' and the term "sannyasis"refers to our 'wholetimers'. This is clear as day.But some Dadas, in order to discredit Baba's teaching about margii rightsare foolishly trying to make the claim that in the above statement Baba istalking about the wandering sannyasis of India. They are making the crazyjustification that the "sannyasis" term refers to those begging sadhus inthe streets of Rishikesh etc. But such a claim is totally preposterous. POINT #2: BABA'S ORIGINAL PARAGRAPH MUST BE PRESERVEDHere is the original paragraph about margiis rights from Baba's historic'Ananda Marga: A Revolution' discourse.Baba says, "Ananda Marga does not discriminate between a family person anda sannyasi (renunciate). The place given to a family person in our Marga isgreater than the place given to a sannyasi, based on the reason that theformer is not dependent on anyone for his or her maintenance, while thesannyasi has to depend on others. A family person is like a strong treewhich is self-supporting, while the sannyasi is like the vine which twinesaround the tree for its support. A family person therefore deserves morerespect than a sannyasi, according to the trend of thought in Ananda Marga.This itself is a revolutionary idea. No philosopher or thinker, whethereastern or western, had ever dared to declare a family person as deservingmore respect than a hermit or a sannyasi. It needed the courage of arevolutionary to say so." (PNS-11, p.7)So in His above discourse Baba is clearly giving a family people a specialplace in society. Of course this does not discredit the value of our AMsannyasis; but in clear-cut, undeniable, pointed fashion Baba is outrightlygiving family people their deserved and respected stature. That is Hispoint.And Baba has personally placed this discourse 'AM: A Revolution' inmultiple AM books. In total this complete discourse appears in six (6)publications related with our Ananda Marga scripture: (a) The original book, "Tattvika Praveshika" (1957). (b) Prout Nutshell, part 11, p.1 (Dec 1987) 1st edition;(c) AM Philosophy in a Nutshell, part 3, p.165 in (Mar 1988) 1st edition; (d) A Few Problems Solved, part 7, p.1 in (Jan 1988) 1st edition; (e) Seminar Notes of January 1993; (f) Cosmic Society 75thanniversary Edition (1996).By the above it is quite clear that this 'Ananad Marga: A Revolution'discourse holds special value and worth, otherwise what was the need forTaraka Brahma to include it in multiple books. No doubt all His discourseshold special import but when Sadguru Himself incorporates a discourse innumerous publications then obviously such a discourse deserves our specialattention.And of course the central point is that all Baba's original discoursesshould be kept in their entirety. He is the Taraka Brahma, He has put forththe teachings of Ananda Marga, and all His guidelines are apta vakya(eternal truth).In that case who can claim the right to permanently delete the aboveparagraph about margii rights from the shastra (scripture) of Ananda Marga.Absolutely no one-- and if anyone tries to delete it then it means theyhave their own nasty agenda in mind. Such persons are not the well-wishersof Ananda Marga, irregardless of what fancy justifications they might givefor deleting Baba's historic words.So this first point is quite clear: The 'Ananda Marga: A Revolution'discourse must be kept in its entirety. Now here comes the second point. IT IS JUST LIKE...If anyone makes the ridiculous claim that the "sannyasis" word from thatdiscourse refers to those itinerant monks of India then it is just like......Saying that the Ku Klux Klan in the USA is against the Germans when inreality everyone knows that the racist Ku Klux Klan (KKK) is againstblacks. So only stupid or misinformed people will get befooled by theridiculous claim that the KKK is aimed against Germans....Or it is just like saying that a veil or burka that covers the femalebody is the creation of the retail or packing industry. If anyone says likethat then who is going to believe it-- nobody. Because all are aware thatthe dogmatic Muslim religion is responsible for the creation of the burkaor veil that covers females from head to toe. Those only stupid people willbe tricked into thinking that it comes from the retail or packing industry....Or it is just like the old mythological story about the monkey godHanuman. One day Hanuman was hungry and he could not find any fruit to eat.But when he saw the sun in the sky then he thought that was a piece offruit. So the fictional monkey god Hanuman jumped up and ate the sun. Thisis all recorded in the story-- Hanuman Chalisa'. So this is just oneoutrageous mythological tale that no one is going to believe in this modernera. But in the days of old the simple, naive people took this to be fact.But now who can think such things-- no one. JUST A BASELESS CLAIMHere the whole point is that the ridiculous claim that Baba's term"sannyasis" from the AM Revolution discourse refers to traditional Indianmonks outside AM is totally baseless. In this modern era where rationalityand reasoning take precedence nobody is going to get befooled by this emptyand slanted agenda. No margii will be swayed by such a ludicrousjustification.Because all rationality and reasoning dictates that in His discourse"Ananda Marga: A Revolution" Baba is explicitly talking about AnandaMarga-- our own AM way of life. The point is clear and self-evident.And even more specifically when Baba states the following He is clearlyreferring to our AM society. "A family person therefore deserves more respect than a sannyasi, according to the trend of thought in Ananda Marga." (PNS-11)The above is Baba's recorded statement. And by the phrase, "according tothe trend of thought in Ananda Marga", it is an obvious indication that Heis talking about our AM. Indeed the whole thing is an open and shut casefor anyone who has the least bit of oxygen in their brain.How then is it possible for one to claim that the above quote is referringto a different sannyasis order outside Ananda Marga. Never, it is notpossible nor is it supported by logic and reasoning.Thus if any Dada for selfish purposes tries to make the false claim thatthe term "sannyasis" from the historic paragraph about margii rights refersto 'wandering Indian sadhus' then no margii is going to be confused. Ratherall will immediately recognise that that Dada is just one deceitful andmanipulative fake who is guided by his own agenda and is outrightly goingagainst the word and spirit of Baba's holy and universal teachings. BABA'S TEACHINGS NOT SUBJECTED TO INDIVIDUAL WHIMOnce again the whole underlying message is the point of scripture. AsAnanda Margiis and as disciples of Baba it is our sacred duty to keep allBaba's things as is-- unchanged, unaltered. If we do nothing else in thislife we are to keep His divine teachings preserved and in proper form forthe future humanity. Failing that we will be blamed and damned by thefuture society-- and rightfully so.Thus when with their own whim this or that Dada starts making the falseclaim that the paragraph about margii rights in AM Revolution refers totraditional Indian sadhus or when they say that the entire paragraph shouldbe deleted, then we should not have an ounce of trust in them. Becauseafter all these are the same Dadas who have done untold harm in the past.Since 1990 our various groupist Dadas have invented the dogmatic Mahaprayanprogram, they have created various dogmatic tiirthas, they have broken downthe Bhukti Pradhan system, and so many treacherous and hateful plans theyhave executed.Of course not all Dadas come in this category. There are countless Wts inour Marga who are working tirelessly for the success of Baba's mission.This we have all seen.So again the overriding point is that we must safeguard all of Baba'sscripture, including the historic paragraph about margii rights from the'Ananda Marga: A Revolution' discourse. BABA'S WARNING: SCRIPTURE MUST NOT BE ALTEREDHere below Baba is warning us what happens when a scripture (shastra) isnot properly preserved and kept in tact. Sha'sana't ta'rayet yastu sah sha'strah parikiirttitahBaba says, "Each and every structure should have a controlling force[shastra], for in the absence of that controlling force, the differentparts of that structure dissociate from the parent body, and this erosionultimately results in its destruction." (NSS, Disc 14)Thus when the integrity of the shastra is distorted then the society isdoomed. This is Baba's strict warning.That is why Baba has declared to keep AM scripture pristine.Baba says, "The scriptures containing spiritual injunctions must be totallyflawless.... (NSS, Disc: 14)By all this it is quite clear that we must not allow a few select Dadas todelete or manipulate the meaning of the paragraph about margii rights fromthe historic 'Ananda Marga: A Revolution' discourse. BABA'S BLESSINGBy Baba's grace we will safeguard the role of both family persons and wtsin our AMPS and build up that perfect human society.Baba says, "The glorious role of both the householders and the renunciateswill be written in letters of gold. Only by writing such a history willhuman beings one day prove not only to this world but to the entireuniverse, that Parama Purus'a was justified in creating human beings."(AFPS-4)Namaskar,Ram Sahay
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