Monday, June 16, 2008



Dear brothers and sisters,

Didi Tapodhira (DSL Pune) petitioned to Purulia Court against her prejudiced transfer by imperialistic Ranchi admin. The learned court (the same which is hearing the case for misuse of Rev.PP by the caucus in Ranchi) was convinced that the transfer of the plaintiff was prejudiced, malafied, unwarranted and illegal and therefore a stay order has been granted to her (court order copy enclosed).

This is a landmark judgement with the following additional derivations and side gains:

It is established that the imperialistic and power-capturing attitude of Ranchi admin is not pro-welfare and pro-mission and hence unjustified and illegal.
Any prejudiced transfer/posting effected by Dhruvanandji is challengeable in a court-of-Law.
It is proved that there is a caucus in Ranchi which is manipulating everthing (including PP's authority)
Didi Tapodhira can now legally enforce her re-instatement as Pune DSL and can also claim refund of money in school bank account misappropriated by the usurpers.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka

Encl.: Court Order Copy

----- Original Message -----
From: jyotsna a
Sent: 14 June, 2008 2:23 PM
Subject: Message for all the devotee Margiis of Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha
Transfer and posting order by Fax was alleged to be issued by A'c Dhruvananda Avt as G.s of Ananda Marga Pracarak samgha Datd.27\3\08 under office order no-028\08. against Avadhutika Ananda Tapadhiira A'c who is the principal of Ananda Marga Primary School,Yerwada,D.S.L Pune Maharastra.concerning from 2003.
Presently two persons from two groups Namely A'c Dhruvananada Avt, A'c Vitmohananda Avt claiming to be the G.s of Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha. as such several suits pending before the district judges court,purulia.and the matters sub-judice. the cocus around Dhruvananda Avt are manufacturing and creating documents and with the muscle power capturing the Educational Institution and productive units of the Ananda Marga Pracarak Samgha.Ananda Tapadhiira A'c Challenging the order of Transfer and posting Datd.27\03\08 move a suit \ case before the Ld.civil judge Sr.Division,Shrii Nandadulal Kalapahar and has prayered for temporary injunction with ad interim injunction prayer.
The Ld.court after hearing has been pleased to pass the following order on 10\6\08.
hence it is-;
"That the ad interim order of injunction as has been prayed for by the plaintiff be and the same is considered and allowed. Accordingly, the defendant no.1 is here by restrained from giving effect or further effect of transfer and posting order alleged to have been issued vide office order no. 029\08 dated.27\03\2008 and from issue any such further order\orders and restrainining the defendant no.1, his men and agents are further restrained from interfering with the functioning of the plaintiff as the principal of Ananda Marga Primary School(Lady Managed), Pune and Ds(L), pune, Maharastra.
While passing such order Ld.court has been pleased to abserve that, The defendant No.1(that is) A'c Dhruvananda Avt) is not being the G.S of Anand Marga Pracarak Samgha for the term 2007-2008 he cannot issue such kind of Transfer and posting order Ld.No.029\08 datd 27\08 and as is found only illegal and the same is not tenable in the eye of law.
Considering the abservances made in the entire order 10\6\08 the Ld.court has been pleased to form the opinion in following a way -
"Iam of the opinion that the plaintiff has made out a prima facie case for granting an ad interim order of injunction in her favour. The balance of convenience also lies in favour of the plaintiff for granting an ad interim order of injunction. if an as interim order of injunction is not passed from not giving any effect to the office order no.029\08 dated.27\03\08, than the plaintiff shall suffer an irreparable loss and injury which cannot be compensated by way of money value.
Considering the aforesaid circumstances Iam inclined to grant and ad interim order of injunction in favour of the Plaintiff.

Friday, June 13, 2008



Dear brothers and sisters,

It is learnt reliably that Purulia Court has given an interim judgement in favour of WWD that GS cannot make any transfers/postings hereafterwards.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka

Thursday, June 5, 2008

thoughts for solution

Dear didi Anandarama

Read your email dt. 25.05.2008. I appreciate it. It is wonderful idea, if it can be implemented. A team of overseas family margiis, dadas, didis can dedicate themselves for this work exclusively until crisis is resolved.

With brotherly regards
S S Goenka

---------- Forwarded message ----------From: Didi <>Date: May 25, 2008 12:38 AMSubject: thoughts for solutionTo: Sgoenka <>NamaskarHere are some thoughts for the solution in India.Setting up an office in India that will serve as a place to work. A global team from any rank and group will continuously work until the crisis is resolved.Work will include recording and communicating to the rest of the world every step of negotiations between groups, interviews, issues at hand that need to be resolved, writing Organisational Guidebook, legal matters, etc. This would involve daily communication of the process to the world and solicit feedback. This team would work impartially and non-stop until solution is brought about. Team members could be exchanged and people could take turns doing "duty".Right now the communication that comes from India is half hazardous. We don't know who the people are talking and where they come from. This office would invite them and involve them. A few key Acaryas have to volunteer from their field to contribute to this 'duty' some time. Margiis are also welcome from any part of the world. Whoever needs to go would 'hand over' charges to the next person and carry on.This process would help to bring in rationality and education of Baba's organisational guidelines and expose those who have different views. After all we need to agree on the same thing which is HOW to run this organisation. There cannot be ambiguity. All gray areas need to be worked out clearly so that there is no hidden agenda or something that someone can claim "that only he knows". The more rationality and light is brought into all segments of organisational procedures the less free will the individuals in leadership position will have. And naturally Baba has built in check and balance and that will become also evident from this study.In a way maybe this office will work as a 'shadow' central office and maybe evolve into being part of the real office eventually.In Baba,Didi Anandarama



Dear brothers and sisters,

It is but natural that the 'Dharmishthas' start losing heart when they find that the cruelty, adharma, injustice and pa'pa keeps on subjugating the dharma, equity and justice. But the true dharmikas do not lose heart for two reasons: (1) that they are upholding the torch of dharma, (2) that there may be delay but never a denial of justice in the court of the Lord. Lord Krishna said it in Bhagwadgita "Whoever protects Dharma will in turn be protected by Dharma". It is more important to uphold Dharma and earn the grace of God than seize all the powers of the world. The adharmika admin in Ranchi may keep on steam-rolling the wishes and hopes of the dharmikas, they may go on creating unpopularily selected 'Purodha Board' in Hastinapur (Ranchi), they may go on grossly fleecing, extorting and misusing the powers of blind Dhritarashtra (PP), they may go on derobing (insulting) Draupadis (Tapodhira in Pune, Gita Didi et al in Jamalpur and in Anandanagar), they may go on banishing pandavas from the seat of admin and impose upon them 'Ban-was' and 'Agyat-was' by means of uncalled for impeachments, bans and debars on grounds of calculated and framed charges, they may go on shouting from tops of the towers about the decision-making capacity of an incapacitated PP dada and thus impose and perpetuate the imperialistic and autocratic rule of injustice and adharma. But how long? The truth cannot remain clouded for long. They can fool a few for all times and all for a few time but not all for all times. The truth will get established one day – sooner or later. The 'pandavas' had to remain incognito, helpless and powerless for a long time even after Draupadi was derobed for retribution by way of war of Mahabharata, had to wait until the exhaustion of the imposed period of Ban-was and Agyat-was. Since Lord and Dharma was with them, they never lost hope. So shouldn't we.


A mispropaganda is being spread all over the world that we, senior householder margiis of India, have joined hands with Tiljala; consequently, boycotted Ranchi DMS and are going to attend Tiljala DMS. But the facts are to the contrary. Unpublished orders were issued by Ranchi admin that the listed senior margiis will not be allowed to enter DMS Pandal. Our love for Anandnagar (Anandnagar of Lord Anandamurtii) could not be suppressed and to avoid creation of ugly scene in the entrance to Pandal, we preferred to attend Tiljala DMS, where we are welcomed. We family margiis, have no love or aspiration for post, power or prestige. But we cannot sacrifice our love for Baba. Whoever the administrators may be, our love is for Baba alone and we have no alignment with any one faction or the other.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka aka Hamrahi

"The Pune Incident"

Dear brothers and sisters,

My circular on "The Pune Incident" dt.03.05.2008 have caused ripples in AM Society – quite naturally. The allegory of 'Mahabharata' was questioned by a few. Others have rightly raised queries regards the details of modus operandi in the field. I owe an explanation and further dwelling on the subject.

First, let me explain my phrase 'raise voice against papashakti'. The phrase is more idiomatic than literal. I do not advocate for politicized slogan raising. Even a mild expression of protest is good enough. The oppressor should realize that you are not taking everything lying low. However, it should be borne in mind that in the process of dissents and protests, no missionary work of Baba should suffer. Any central orders or directives which further and support the cause of the mission should be obeyed or carried out with doubled gusto and enthusiasm. Only the directives which are planned to establish the personal agenda of the autocrats should be ignored or protested as the case may be. For example, unjustified – punitive, prejudiced and politicized transfers/postings should not be allowed to be implemented like the case of Didi Tapodhira in Pune. Any directive aimed at glorifying the personalities of the autocrats should be ignored and/or protested. If they misquote Baba to achieve their personal agenda, they should be checked on the spot.

Any manipulations and interferences in the reserved and protected domain of the family margiis like that of Bhukti Pradhan and Bhukti Committee be protested. You should raise voice against any punitive and politicized interference in BP elections or UBP elections. Any mispropaganda against 'dharmika' workers (WTs and family margiis) should be vociferously protested. Any misinterpretation of caryacarya should be protested like the one to demean the role of CPB.

The sycophants and bootlickers in AM society should be awakened and enlightened by persuasive talks and if unremediable be ignored and discouraged and not be given any importance and recognition.

The 'Abhimanyu-like' sacrifice was also allegorical. When you protest or voice against the autocratic rulers, it is sure that you are going to be persecuted, insulted and harassed. Such a bid for inviting persecution for the cause of 'Dharma' is nothing but sacrifice. One should not give up for fear of persecutions. For example, the writer is lately denied entrance to enter 'sanctum sanctorium' of MG quarters. I protest it but at the same time sacrifice for myself the cited privileges.

I have tried to give a few specific instances. But if there are other specific dilemmatic issues, please do not feel shy to approach.

With brotherly regards,
S S Goenka

News report from AMURT / AMURTEL Burma

News report from AMURT / AMURTEL Burma
Namaskar dear all,
You may have followed the News reports over the last two weeks. The working conditions are extremely difficult due to the restrictions imposed by the Burmese military government. The International NGO community is waiting in the start holes waiting for the necessary permissions to implement their relief activities.
In spite of all these obstacles, AMURT has been able to organize massive food distributions in the affected Delta area! We have so far sent trucks into the heavily damaged Kungyangon district three hours South-West of Yangon City. The distributed parcels with basic food items benefited the affected households and the host community of the medium size town of Twa Chaung.


AMURT is cited as one of the agencies collecting contributions to help those affected by the cyclone in Myanmar. The list is from InterAction, a coalition of more than 150 humanitarian agencies providing relief, refugee assistance and sustainable programs worldwide.
Message received from Dr. Pashupati: "As you have heard, over 10,000 people have been killed in a cyclone in Burma (Myanmar) and 100,000 left homeless. AMURT is sending our best-trained worker, Dada Nirmalkrsnananda, to the scene immediately, to organize our relief response.